Chapter 43. Boot camp

Start from the beginning

Luke and Sean were the only ones who I hadn't managed to have any alone time with yet, and so I still hadn't told them how much I loved each of them.

I hoped to be able to do so in the camp. They needed those words as much as I needed to say them.

We pile into our cars and head out, me in the back seat between Luke and Gabriel with North driving and Silas in the passenger.

"So, are you sure you are ready for this, Sang baby?" North asked me, glancing at me through the car's rear view mirror. "You know we don't need to do this right now, these fuckers can wait until you are ready if you aren't sure."

I smiled at him, feeling Luke tense beside me. "I am sure, North Star. Don't worry."

North just nodded at me and focused back on the road.

I wasn't talking only with North. While I told him not to worry I took Luke's hand on mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

He relaxed a little beside me, his body leaning closer to me as if he didn't want to be away.

I wasn't sure about what it was that was worrying Luke so much. Glancing sideways at Gabriel I tried to catch his gaze and convey my doubts to him.

His bright blue eyes glanced at me and then at Luke before he focused back at me and gave a reassuring smile. He would help me.

I knew he would, Gabriel was my biggest support.

He was my breath of fresh air and gave me the strength I needed to face each new day.


I watch silently as the Blackbourne team arrives at the camp, their entourage of cars arriving one after the other and parking in the lot before the tree line. They are the biggest team in the academy, and by far one of the most talented.

Mrs. Rose and Mr. Duncan stand to each side of me, their faces bright and expectant. We had waited a lot of time to meet this bird personally.

The three of us are part of the Academy council and responsible for the boot camp and all the new recruits.

Seeing that the boys and the girl are getting out of their cars I run my hand down my black suit and fix my tie before taking my first step in their direction.

I and my colleagues had been hidden in the shadows of the trees, out of sight, but that single step into the light of the sun was all it took to warn the bird to our presence.

Her head snapped up and she turned around, green eyes finding mine unerringly and stopping me in my tracks.

God, she was good... And quite stunning, too. Those photos in her file didn't make her justice.

Her green eyes narrowed on me for a second before they flew to Mrs. Rose and Mr. Duncan who had step up next to me.

One of the boys saw her attention had diverted from their group and turned around to see what was distracting her.

His dark brown eyes caught sight of us and he frowned a little before relaxing and laying a calming hand at her back, making her look up at him in question.

By his dark clothing and frowning face I surmised he was Mr. North Taylor, another new addition to the Blackbourne team.

Owen Blackbourne turned around then and saw us. He exchanged a few words with his team before striding in our direction, his gray eyes and face completely emotionless, much like my own.

I had been one of Owen's teachers in the academy, and the boy was my pride and joy. He was much like a son to me.

"Mr. Bubble," He greeted, extending his hand in my direction for a handshake.

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