Chapter 9 - Missed Sparks

Start from the beginning

Grimlock, Predaking, and Optimus's holograms appeared in the middle of the table.

Grimlock: We need to stop Chaos Bringer from getting the Infinity core.

Predaking: Or else Megatron will get his servos on both the Infinity and Silent cores.

Optimus: Putting Cybertron and Earth into jeopardy. We must act swiftly!

Madalyn: Optimus is right! All we've been doing is spreading tred! We need action, and I say we make Optimus our Ultimate Transformer.

Optimus: Well, unless we all agree then.

Madalyn: Agreed. Lets ditch this tea party and get some real action!

The others seemed to look at me in shock. Mouths open, forks with food in them, not even going Into their mouths.

Madalyn: And I know just the place to get the Titans rolling. Chaos Bringers European lair! We'll take it by storm, if that's Selina can pin point a location.

I got up from my seat and walked around to the other side of the table towards Selina's spot.

Emanuel: Madalyn!

Selina: Uh, no.

Madalyn: If Chaos Bringer doesn't get taken out soon, it could be the end for all of us!

Selina: I..... I can't remember!

Madalyn: Selina you have to remember! Come on, snap out of it!

Emanuel: Maddie!

Selina: I, I'm sorry. But I can't deal with this right now.

She tossed her utensils onto her plate and moved out of her seat and walked away up the platform.

Madalyn: Selina wait!

Emanuel: Leave him alone! I think she's gone through enough with you harassing her like a criminal. She just lost her best friend Bumblebee! What did you expect?

Madalyn: Oh come on! She's got to grow up and move on! Chaos Bringer is on a rampage destroying Transformers as we speak! It's a tough break but we're on a mission, so she'll just have to get over it.

Emanuel: Nice attitude, geez why don't you get over her and cut her some slack?!

Madalyn: Because we're not running a day care! So maybe we should just roll without her.

Emanuel: How can you even say that?! Why would you even think of blowing her off at a time like this?!

Najat: Maybe Selina should stay behind.

Iestyn: Huh?

Madalyn & Emanuel: What?!

Najat: I know she'll pull through, she always does! But right now isn't the time to wait for her to come around. We have to move on.

Emanuel: Najat!

Najat: You don't understand! Zach was my best friend forever! Growing up he was always there for me! So I gotta be there for him now that he's under Chaos Bringers control.

She got up from her seat and slammed her hands on the table.

Najat: I can't just sit around and do nothing while I wait for things to happen, because I know there's something that I can do about it. Selina's friend may be lost, but there's still a chance we can save Zach! So I say we leave without her!

Emanuel: You? You there for your friend?! What about Selina?!

Najat: Emanuel!

Emanuel: Spare me your lame excuses! You made your choice, now go!

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