Talk about bi-polar.

My laughs were cut off by Kai's long legs sweeping me off my feet and on my ass. I sent him a glare meanwhile Kai held an innocent smile on his face, his low chuckles echoed the room. Before I could kick his ass the door bursted open and in came Justin and Ryan.

"Lillykins!" Ryan chirped, embracing me into a suffocating bear hug, his whole body covered in a layer of sweat presuming he'd been training

"Don't call me that, I'm not 11 anymore" I scoffed, trying to push his smelly arms away from me

"Ryan, get off," Justin cut in, jerking Ryan's arm back "It's my turn" He carried on in a whine

Before I could make a successful escape I got yanked towards Justin's hard muscular chest, my face planted into his body cutting off my breathing so I kneed him where the sun most defiantly does not shine, at least I went easy on him. He held his crown jewels and arched over.

"Yep defiantly a Prescott" He snorted, standing up straight again

I sent him a sarcastic toothy smile and innocently skipped over towards the mouth watering smell in the kitchen. Before I could jump straight into my food and shove very inch of pancake down my throat in an unpleasant manner Kai's voice boomed off the walls. I growled in frustration before marching over to the lounge where my name was being repeated.

"What you asshole?!" I shouted earning everyone's attention, their eyes filled with an uneasy look.

I'm not a morning person.

"Fuck, calm down Lilly," Kai's retaliated back, his voice the same loud pitch as mine "go wake Tanner up" He finished, his eyes glued to the TV

"Why can't you?" I huffed slamming my food back onto the table frustratedly

"Because I'm busy!" He groaned already bored of this conversation, knowing it would turn into a fight any time soon.

And I don't mean a little argument.

I mean a full on physical fight where either Ryan or Justin would have to break us up.

"You're such an uptight prick!" I screamed instantly cringing at my girly screech

"That's rich" He muttered before I stormed away from the lounge and pounded my fist against Tanners bedroom door.

I heard shuffling and groans before the door finally swung open with a force so sharp the door could've came off by its hinges. Tanner stood there looking me up and down in an unwelcoming way before rolling his sleepy eyes.

"What's so important Lilly?" His voice croaked but loud enough for the whole house to hear. Realisation sparked in his tiredly formed eyes before opening his mouth to speak.

"Kia" We both said in unison, Tanner let out an annoyed huff, his shoulders slumped back lazily.

"We've got training so I'd start getting ready now Lilly, I know what you're like" He warned, his voice serious and emotionless

I shrugged carelessly and turned on my heels to finish what I had started. My eyes filled with joy as I neared to the door. I pushed it open only to find the boys gathered around the small glass table. Anger washed over me when I let out a warrior cry catching everyone's attention. Ryan's mouth smothered with sirup, coated with sugar.

My sirup and sugar.

"What the fuck?!" I roared, everyone's heads snapped up to meet mine

"Sorry, I was hungry-" Ryan shrugged sending me a small smile which only aggravated me even more

"You're making me another one whilst I get ready!" I demanded, storming out of the kitchen and starlight into my room.

I slammed the door shut and ran over to my walking wardrobe to search for some training gear. I tore out a black sports bra and ripped it off the hangers then sending it gliding threw the air and landing on my charcoal grey bed. I then tugged out some dark blue leggings that followed on after my sports bra onto my bed. After changing I tied my silky light brown hair into the most shittiest messy bun I've ever done that ended up looking like a knotted mess dangling to the side, every piece of hair sticking out at every angle. I ripped the hairband out of my now tangled hair and just decided to do my hair in the car.

I stumbled over to my dressing table where my makeup was neatly laid out into different branded sections. I scanned around for a mascara and an eyebrow pencil, once my eyes focused on the objects I wrapped my hands securely around them and plopped myself onto my cushiony chair opposite my mirror.


"For fucks sake Lilly!" Kai's voice echoed in the car once I dived into the back seats in between Tanner and Justin who had the same expression on their faces as Ryan and Kai which was pissed off.

Okay, maybe I didn't just apply mascara and eyebrow pencil, I went all out, but hey, there's a lot of hot guys at training, I have to dress to impress.

"Are you all just going to sit there and stare at me or are you just gunna make us more late!" I hissed, my head making it way around so I could meet everyone's gaze

With that Kai clenched the steering wheel and slammed his foot on the breaks catching me off guard causing me to lunge forward as I was straight in the middle.

Oh how I love my brother!


"Finally" I beamed, climbing over Justin earning my ass right up in his face causing his cheeks to flush red. Oh my- was he blushing? Well that's not awkward..

"Hey buddy, eyes anywhere but there!" I snapped, waving my hands in his face like a crazy woman

"I-I wasn't" His voice came across weak and embarrassed

"Aw does our baby Justin have a crush on Lilly," Ryan cooed, as he wiped fake tears from under his eyes and placed his freakishly large hand over his heart "they grow up so fast"

I giggled at the sight of Justin, his jaw was clenched tightly and his cheeks were the colour of a tomato. I held my hand over my mouth to stop the loud eruption of my laughing fits.

"Not cool man" Justin shook his head at Ryan and pushed the door open awaiting for me to step out.

"Ready to get all your asses kicked?" I taunted, a sly smirk growing bigger on my face

"Over my dead body" Kai yelled teasingly

"That could be arranged" I joked, winking at Justin before strutting over to the training centre.

Another day of exhaustion awaits..

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter😜xo

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