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(I'm not going to post if slim to none are reading)


Sitting in Shannon's office brought back many memories. And not good ones.

How the hell did i find myself here again? Why couldn't I be your typical, happy teenage girl? Why did i have to fall for the bad guys? Why'd my parents have to die? Why'd my life have to fall apart?

A knock on the door cut off my thoughts.

I turned in the direction of the door and saw Quentin come in. "My mom says she'll be here soon."

I nodded. "Do you know where she is?"

He sighed, "she is doing something with one of the horses." His blue eyes looked directly into mine when he spoke. Eye contact is always a good sign, but in this case I feel intimidated. They were just so damn blue. I don't even think he realizes how attractive he is.

He cleared his throat and I instantly blushed. Shit. He probably thinks I'm some sort of creepy bitch.

"Sorry. I just... your eyes are very nice."

Quentin's eyebrows furrowed and he ran a hand through his hair. "Okay..." He drawled out. Great. This is awkward.

I turned away from him and picked at the chair cushion.

"You're less loud and free spirited since I've last seen you."

I frowned. "Well, shit happens."

"You and Max were always so damn loud, and now here you are all quiet and shy."

"Yeah." What the hell exactly does he expect me to say? 'Yeah dude I was fucked over and tried to kill myself. That why I'm so reserved'?

"Alright. Guess ill go then. Leave you here to sulk in peace."

My jaw dropped. "Who do you think you are?! Just leave me alone!" I stood up and screeched at him.

By that time, Shannon had made her way back from the barn.

"What's going on here?"

Quentin shook his head and left.


I walked out of Shannon's office wiping the tears off my face. I made my way back to my room to rest.

"What are you doing in here?" I enunciated the 'you' to show my displeasure.

He sat on my bed, fiddling with some model horse thing. Where the fuck did that come from?

"Just wanted to see if you wanted to go out?" My face scrunched up.

"To town. Not on a date." He laughed as he clarified.

My face was still scrunched up as I thought about it. "No."

Eventually, he convinced me to leave. Something about fresh air and checking out the scenery. Whatever.

We rode in silence. I looked out the window, catching sight of many trees and various animals. There were mountains for days.

Finally, we pulled up at a diner. I didn't bother telling him I ate earlier. The less words I had to speak, the better.

Inside, he ordered a hamburger and fries. He tried to get me to order something, but failed. Quentin ended up ordering some type of milkshake for me and told me that I couldn't leave until I drank it.

Ugh. What demanding son Shannon has. I just want to relax and as he said earlier, sulk.

In walked a few girls who caught his eye. They walked over and each gave him a hug and me a questioning look.

"How've you been Q?" A tall fair skinned girl asked. They went on to talk about some type of shit. I only zoned back in when I heard my name.

"This is Breanna. She's a family friend." Everyone looked over at me, and I did my best not to scowl.

I really haven't been feeling like my self lately. I've been short tempered and easy on words. When will everything go back to being normal.

The girls left when our - well his- food arrived.

We sat on a semi-awkward silence as he ate. It took him forever. But I guess that was more time to admire his gorgeousness. He had such a wholesome look.

He left the waiter a tip and escorted me out.

The town was cute I suppose. A lot of small shops and restaurants. Surprisingly, there were people everywhere.

I looked around people watching.

"Hey!" I felt a set of built arms wrap around my waist and pull me off to the right. "You almost walked into a light pole!" Quentin looked at me with pure amusement and only a bit of concern.

Insert me feeling stupid, here. I blabber until I got out a meek 'sorry'.

I felt Quentin's gaze remain on me even when we walked past a group of pretty girls that greeted him with giggles and flirty hey's.

"Why are you looking at me?" I spared a look at him only to see his concentrated gaze on me.

"You're kind of something."

He walked ahead leaving me confused. What the hell did that mean?


Ch. 4 sneak peek

"What?" I turned my head to look at Quentin and followed his quizzical, bright blue eyes to me exposed forearms. "Those are some cuts."

Looking at them myself, I fingered the enflamed red line that trailed from my wrist to half way up my forearm.

Hesitantly, he reached out and gently took my arm in his hand.


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