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They thought it was over, they thought they were never going to find out what happened to Jessie. Then it happened.

After they tried finding the mysterious miss Donovan and ending up at a dead end, the four returned to their regular classes. They skipped their morning ones to do a bit more investigation. But found nothing.

But when Liam texted Colton with news to meet at the house immediately after all of their classes were over, everything changed.

Bethany was already going home when Colton texted her telling her the news and she told him to find Lana as well.

Colton walked around campus looking for Lana everywhere. And then he finally laid eyes on her, sitting on a bench alone and just when he was about to walk towards her, someone else he despised beat him to it.

"Lana please listen to me." Said Jake.

"Go away Jake." Lana said walking away.

"Please." He insisted grabbing her arm.

"Do not touch me." She said freeing her arm from his grasp.

"I need to explain to you, I need to tell you something." Jake said.

"There's nothing you say that'll make me not hate you." Lana said.

Colton seeing this, walked towards them with an angry look on his face.

"Lana hey, we need to go to the house." He said then glanced at Jake. "Now!" He continued.

"Colton please I need to talk to her just two minutes." Jake practically begged.

"I said I don't wanna hear what you have to say." Lana said.

"Just two seconds then." He said.

"I'm sorry but this is more important. Liam needs us at home, now. It's urgent." Colton said looking into her eyes hoping she understands what he's saying.

In a second Lana's eyes widened and she knew it had to be something about the investigation.

"I have to go." She said to Jake, and what she did next surprised both Jake, Colton and herself. She slipped her hand into Colton's and walked away with him.

"So what's up?" She asked once they were in the campus parking lot.

"I don't know he didn't say, but he said he found something that could help us find out who the mystery miss Donovan is." Colton said.

They jumped into the car and drove to the house.


"What is this thing that's gonna help us figure out the identity?" Bethany asked.

"This." He said taking out a laptop in a plastic bag from his bag.

"What is that?!" Bethany asked in a horrified tone already knowing the answer to the question she asked.

"Jessie's laptop, the police took it the day they searched the house, I'm guessing they haven't looked through it given the fact there are no leads yet on the murder, or they don't want to find out what actually happened." Liam said.

"How the hell did you get that?" Colton asked not sure if he wants to know.

"I stole it from the police station." He said.

"When were you at the police station?" Lana asked taking the laptop from Liam.

"When I went to get these." He answered throwing a file of photos on the coffee table.

Colton opened the file and inspected the photos. They were photos of Jessie's burnt body.

"Dude why do you need these?" He said taking his eyes off the disturbing photos.

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