15. Wake up!

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You slowly open your eyes, instantly irritated by the sun shining through the curtains. You rub your eyes and try to move, only to feel a strong pair of arms tighten around your stomach. You flinch and slowly turn your head. Behind you is Kuroo, sleeping peacefully. He groans and snuggles his face against your back. Your cheeks turn scarlet red and you try to distract yourself by checking the time.

It's 8:00 a.m. I should probably wake him up since the team agreed to meet up at the dining hall at 9:30. You think, slowly turning around in Kuroo's embrace. You put a hand on his shoulder and shake him lightly, but he only scrunches up his nose and groans.

"Kuroo-san~" you sing quietly. Kuroo only sighs and rests his head against your shoulder. "Kuroo!" You shout, shaking him violently. The former Nekoma captain flinches and backs away, eyes wide. You laugh and slowly sit up, jumping off the bed.

"Well jeez, maybe wake me up with a more gentle and less alarming method." Kuroo whines while sitting up, supporting himself with his hands. You chuckle and shake your head.

"You weren't going to wake up if I was gentle." You point out while walking toward the bathroom with your clothes for the day,"Hey, do you know what we're gonna do today?"

"Huh? Oh, we're going to an amusement park." Kuroo replies while getting off of the bed, and reaching out for the remote on the tv stand.

"Ah, okay." You say while walking into the bathroom,"I won't be long, so make sure you have clothes ready." Kuroo just hums in reply as he's so fixated on the tv.

Meanwhile, in Yaku and Kenma's room . . .

Yaku yawns while he leans against the bed frame. Kenma grabs his clothes for the day and grabs his phone. He stops, and then turns to the older man.

"Yaku," Kenma begins,"is it okay if I ask you a question?" Yaku turns to face the boy with glimmering eyes.

"Y-Yes! Of course!" He replies, eager for whatever Kenma will ask him.

Oh, it's been a while since he's bothered opening up to me! Yaku thinks, He's always been distant to me, and now he's going to ask me a question about . . . ABOUT WHAT? *gasp* could it be about a girl in one of his classes? Or maybe just life in general! Ah, what's it gonna be?! Yaku bounces a bit from his excitement and Kenma backs away a bit, kind of freaked out. Yaku realizes that he freaked him out a bit, so he minimizes his jumpiness.

"Do you like L/N?" Kenma asks.

At that moment, Yaku freezes and his eyes slowly widen. His smile fades and he avoids eye contact with Kenma. Yaku nervously laughs and rubs the back of his neck.

"Ah, that's an odd question." He says,"What makes you ask that?"

"Because, at least to me, it's obvious." Kenma bluntly states,"You stare at her a lot, blush whenever she's near you, and frown when she's close to Kuroo." Yaku's face turns red and he slowly turns to Kenma.

"W-Well, that's pretty specific, Kenma!" He says,"Are you always keeping notes about this?"

"Yaku, you're stalling." Kenma mumbles.





"That. . . Wait, stalling?"

"Yes, Yaku. You haven't answered the question-"

"So. . . Stalling?"

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