11. Saving You

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It's been a week since Kuroo and the others lost against the really strong team. Their practices have gotten longer since then, so they haven't been able to text you that often. You're currently sitting at your desk, writing in the journal Kuroo bought you. On the second page, you put:

If found, return to:
Kuroo Tetsurou
Yaku Morisuke
Kenma Kozume
Bokuto Koutaro
Akaashi Keiji

You only put their names so if something happens to you, they can at least know you remembered something. You lean back against your chair, sighing. Suddenly, your phone rings, startling you. You fall back in surprise, and a loud thud echoes throughout your room. You get back up quickly and grab your phone. You smile at the caller ID.


In the background is a picture of you and Yaku grinning at the camera. You press the accept button and turn on the speaker.

"Hello?" You say while bending down to pick up your fallen chair.

"L/N-chan!" Yaku exclaims,"How are you?"

"I'm great! How about you?"

"I'm great too? So, are you doing anything right now?"

"Nope, why?" You check the time, and it's currently 6:30 pm.

"W-well," Yaku begins. You may not be able to see it, but all the way back at the dorm, Yaku is blushing a really dark red. "Do you wanna hang out here? No one else is around though, because their classes end later."

"Oh yeah, sure!" You reply while putting your chair in its respective place.

"Oh! Okay! See ya!"

~Le time skip brought to you by Kenma's hair~

You arrive at the campus with an excited expression on your face. As you walk over to the dorms, you hear someone "psst". You look over and see three girls standing against a wall, glaring at you. You're about to turn away when. . .

"OI!" One of the girls shouts at you," L/N!" You look at the girls with a confused expression of expression.

"How did you-"

"Get your ass over here." The girl says, getting impatient. You raise an eyebrow and walk over, arms folded.

"What is it?" You ask with an annoyed expression.

They're already pissing me off. You think.

"Even after 2 years, you can't learn your place and stop flirting with Kuroo-san." Another one of the girls says.

"Huh? I'm not flirting with him." You protest.

Even after two years? They must be girls I know from high school. You back away from them.

"Ha! Look! Two years can really change someone!" The third girl teases,"She's backing away! Finally scared of us, L/N? Now you learned to finally back off?"

"Look, I don't remember you guys, so if you would leave me alone-


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