3. Ice Cream

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Kuroo watches you and Yaku talk like you actually remember him. He's the only one you're comfortable with, since you actually recognize his name and the nurses told you about him. Kenma may act like he's not worried, but he really is. He actually did care for you during high school. However, Kuroo is visibly worried. The fact that you totally forgot about him and the memories you made during high school stresses him out.

Wait, that means she also forgot about the first years (like Inouka, Tsukki, and Shrimpy)! And they're like 3rd years now! Oh god, if we visit them, would they help her remember? Kuroo's head is filled with so many thoughts and possibilities that he doesn't notice Yaku shouting at him.

"Oi, Kuroo!" Yaku shouts. The raven haired boy flinches and looks up, only to see you, Yaku, and Kenma staring at him.

"Yeah?" Kuroo says.

"Do you want ice cream?" The libero asks, a bit impatient since he already asked Kuroo that about 5 times, but Kuroo wasn't listening.

"O-oh! Yeah! Sure!" Kuroo replies. He notices you staring at him, head a bit tilted in confusion. You send a small smile his way, causing a light blush to dust his cheeks.

Now that I come to think of it, he's cute. You think. Gah! What am I thinking?! I just met him.

"I can pay for my own! It's okay, Yaku-chan!" You say. Yaku's face turns red at what you called him.

"Y-Yaku-chan?" He repeats. You smile at him.

"You told me that's what I called you!" You reply, and the boy only looks away, trying to make sure you don't see his blushing face.

"I smell love." Kenma mumbles while trying to run away. Both you and Yaku look at him with a terrified face. You're now blushing and Yaku's blush got darker.

"I-It's not like that!" He shouts,"It's just been a while since someone's called me that!" Kenma sighs and starts to walk towards the ice cream shop near the gym.

"Wait up, Kenma-chan!" You shout, running to him. Kenma turns around, and now it's his turn to blush. However, it's a very light blush.

"They're all getting along nice and dandy and I'm over here feeling left out." Kuroo mumbles as he follows you guys,"Kids these days."

"Ice cream!" You cheer as you lean in to lick your ice cream.

However, tragedy strikes. As you lick it, you push it off the cone and it falls to the ground. The three boys stare in disbelief, Kuroo almost laughing. You stare at your fallen ice cream, eyes wide. At first, the three boys thought you would just sigh and go order a new one. However, this you, L/N F/N, they're talking about.

"FUCK!" You shout, pouting at your ice cream. Kuroo and Yaku start to laugh, causing you to look away from embarrassment.

She hasn't changed. All three volleyball players think.

"Okay okay!" Kuroo says," I'll get you a new one." You look at him with a surprised expression. "Don't worry," he puts a hand over his heart,"I've always been a nice person." Kenma just sighs and walks away while Yaku rolls his eyes. You chuckle and turn to the ice cream shop.

"Are you sure you're okay with this, Kuroo-san?" You ask, uncertain if you should let him pay for your own clumsiness.

"It's fine!" He replies,"But of course, you'll have to pay me back later." Kuroo smirks at you, and you just tilt your head in confusion.

"With what?" You ask.

A date. He thinks, but that's not what comes out.

"Eh, I'll think of something later." Kuroo mumbles as he pays for your ice cream. You take the ice cream and grin at the raven haired boy.

"Thank you, Kuroo-san!" You exclaim, jogging to the entrance of the gym. However, he stays standing there, eyes wide and cheeks red.

The four of you sit together, the order being Yaku, you, Kuroo, and Kenma (left to right). Of course, you're paying more attention to Yaku and the game rather than Kuroo, which annoys him. Kuroo's basically glaring at you from the corner of his eyes, but he doesn't mean any harm.

Is he watching me? You think, feeling a bit uneasy.

Kenma notices your uneasiness, being an observer of everything around him, and lightly smacks Kuroo's arm with the back of his hand. Kuroo flinches and snaps back into reality, shaking his head. He looks at Kenma, who's giving him a slightly irritated look. Kuroo then notices Kenma holding his phone at an angle as if the pudding head (yes, he re-dyed his hair a year ago, only for him to go back to being a pudding head) is trying to show him something. Kuroo's gaze drifts to Kenma's phone, which is open to the Notes app with some writing on it.

Stop staring, you're not gonna get on any good terms with her like that. The note says.

Kuroo groans and rolls his eyes while nodding, telling Kenma he understands. He then grabs his phone and starts to type on his own Notes app, then angles it to let Kenma see what it says. Kenma doesn't move his head, but he's looking at it from the corner of his eye, trying not to attract any attention.

Well it's not like you're getting on good terms with her by not saying anything to her! >:(

Kenma closes his eyes for a second as if he's trying to restrain himself from rolling his eyes. He takes his phone and starts typing again, then shows the note.

At least I'm not scaring her off with a scary and murderous glare.

"G-GAH! HEY! It's not murderous!" Kuroo shouts, causing everyone, even the volleyball players, to turn and look at him. Kuroo covers his mouth and looks away from everyone's gaze. He notices you looking at him with a somewhat terrified expression.

Is he. . . Okay? You think, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. Kuroo mentally face palms and turns away.

I really scared her, didn't I? He thinks, Okay, it's fine. I can gain her trust later. Plus, my main mission now is getting her to remember me, and her high school years. I wonder. . . Who else can help her remember her high school years?

"HEY HEY HEY!" Kuroo hears an all-too-familiar voice shout.

"Bokuto-san, please calm down." Another voice say.

Kuroo turns around and sees Bokuto and Akaashi walking towards them. He smirks and lies against his chair comfortably.

Perfect. He thinks.

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