Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 12!

Start from the beginning

He looked confused.

He stood up strait and ran his hand threw his hair.

"So you're saying that he isn't your boyfriend. That you were just pretending...WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" he asked sternly.

"Uh- I didn't- um I don't know I just did okay? I didn't want you to take advantage of me" I replied.

He looked at his feet.

"I can't believe that your single...I know that James likes you its obvious and also that guy that was kissing you obveiously likes you too" he whispered.

I shrugged.

He looked up and laughed,

"Well your in deep shit...three guys are after you."

Confused I replied,

"Three guys?"

He nodded and said,

"James, that guy Brett and Me."

I stared at him.

He likes me still!

GREAT!!! (Note the sarcasm)

I nodded not knowing what to say.

To be honest I don't really have any feelings for Dylan.

I did when I was a little freshman in Kansas but not anymore.

I mean when I met him I almost fainted.


I was standing in front of my locker.

I was so nervous that I could barely open my stupid locker.

I took a deep breath a pushed my hair back.

"Hey freshy your blocking my locker" a deep voice said from behind me.

I turned around and saw the hottest thing in the world.

"Yeah I know I'm hot can you like move now?" he said.

I made a face at him and took a step away from him.

My locker was underneath his.

He opened his locker then glanced at me.

"Are you just gonna stand there? And can't you talk?!" he asked.

Okay so at that point I got pissed; he was defiantly one of those guys who knew that they were hot and were full of themselves.

"Yes actually I can talk...and im gonna stand here until you move so I can get to my locker thank you very much." I snapped.

He raised his eyebrows.

"Nice attitude you got there kiddo. I'm Dylan and you are...?"


Yeah so pretty much after that we became friends and I secretly crushed on him.

Then I you know what I did with him and then he said what he said to his friends and then my crush was over.

"Look Dylan, don't take this the wrong way. But I don't like you that way anymore." I mumbled.

He looked hurt.

"Anymore?" he whispered.

I nodded and replied,

"I used to like you, but not anymore im really sorry. I hope we can be friends though"

He half smiled nodded and hugged me.

Me the new girl and him FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now