Chapter 2

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          My heart sank to the pit of my stomach hearing that familiar name, One Direction. Then it suddenly all came running back to me, the lies, the phone calls, the rumors, all came at me at once. One Direction was the name of the band Harry started with 4 other guys. He soon became really famous and went on tours and sold out albums. In the beginning we talked everyday until soon we just stopped talking, I've tried contacting him but he never replies. He forgot about me. I mean, why wouldn't he? I'm just an average girl and he's a pop star who's had a million famous model girlfriends.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't think I can take the offer." I say, there's no way I wanna see that lying washed up celebrity ever again in my life.

"Y/n, I know it's sudden but think about how it can help our company! Plus, your name will get out to the world. Oh! And did I mention, they are in a hurry and willing to give you $20,000 a week?" 20,000? My eyes bulged out of my sockets. That's half of what I make in 6 months, let alone a week! I gave thought to the offer, the money would really help me with so much. Plus, I bet Harry won't even recognize me, I mean, apart from the name, everything about me has changed.

"Fine." I give in, "I'll do it, when and where do I start?"

"Great! You start Saturday, pack your bags girl, you got a flight to London!"

London? In 3 days?! Okay, so in under 2 minutes I learn I'm going to London in 3 days to style One Direction's hair and do their makeup for their tour, which is traveling around the world for almost a year, and in that band is my Ex best friend who totally forgot about me. Wow. I let out a huge sigh and walk away thinking about what the hell just happened.

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