Only Seconds Left 13

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Black....that's all I see and feel around Malec and I. It feels weird, the darkness it somewhat comforts me. Why on earth would Alec be scared of this?
" How you holding up Sky?" asks Malec
" I'm fine, why does it feel so comforting though?" I ask
" It's the darkness trying to hypnotize, you've got to fight it." replied Malec.
" Hey I think I see the necklace." I say as I point over to the left
" Perfect, grab it and let's get out of here." Malec replied
I walk towards my dresser and grab the necklace. As I look into one of the craters in the crescent moon a speck of light flashes into my eyes. Once again I see my mom. Horror strikes at me, I see her tied up against a pole in what looks like a basement. Tears start rolling down my eyes. Her mouth's covered up with duck tape and she's blindfolded,. Then suddenly I snap out of it due to Malec shaking me.
" Sky? Did you hear me? We gotta go!" Malec exclaimed
" R-Right." I reply
We make it out of my room with the necklace. As Malec and I take our hazard suits off Alec walks towards me. He wipes off the tears on my cheeks. I turn to Malec and say-
" Malec, when I touched the necklace I looked at one of the craters and I saw my mom. S-She was tied up to a pole in what looked like a basement or an old abandoned building, she had duck tape on her mouth and was blindfolded."
" Well seeing that can possibly help us pinpoint an exact location on where Nicole is." Malec replies as he hands his hand out towards me.
I place the necklace in his hands, he swiftly moves over into the library where his book is. As he begins to set up the process he opens up his book to a certain page and begins to recite a spell on the page that seems to be in French.
" La lumière Prut être notre quite à travers les moments les plus sombres et pour toujours vaincre toutes les tènébres nous montre le chemin de Nicole." Chants Malec
Suddenly a small faded image pops up, it looks like the old abandoned toy store back on Lincoln Street.
" Hey, that's the older toy store down the street where my school used to be."
" Where at Sky?" asks Alec
" Five miles north of where I live."
" We need to start getting ready now, Sky I want you to stay here where you can be safe." Selena blurts out
" No, I'm coming with you to help."
Alec puts his hands on my arms and just looks at me.
" Sky you've helped us quite a bit, this time let us do all the work. You need your rest anyway, we can tell your exhausted."
He was right, I am exhausted. I haven't been able to actually sleep for awhile, even when I did nightmares would haunt me. The fear of losing my mom just took over my mind.
" He is right Sky, I don't know if it's just me but I can see those dark circle around your eyes." Selena says playfully
" Alright but at least let me be able to contact you?" I ask
" You will Sky I promise." Alec says as he grabs my hand
Once we finished up Malec starts to leave and hands me back my necklace.
" Malec wait,  thank you for helping me." I say as I put the necklace on
" Well Sky, thank you for helping me." Malec replied
"What do you mean?" I asked
" You've helped me realize  that I need to give up my tricks and schemes. And I want to thank you for that."
  I smile a little bit, then in a blink of an eye Malec disappears. 
Then Alec hugs me from behind and whispers in my ear
" Come on, you need to get some rest."
Alec leads me towards my bedroom as Selena and Jessie start packing up for the mission. As I sit on the bed Alec sits in front of me.
" Alec promise me you'll be careful. I can't keep losing the people that I love."
He leans towards me and kisses my forehead and whispers-
" Your not going to lose me Sky, don't ever think like that." He replies
" I know Alec but I'm just so afraid. Everything's just happened so quickly."
" I know that Sky, right now you just need to get some rest." Alec replies
Soon enough I lay down and he leaves and let's Steel into the room. He climbs up on top of me and licks  me in the face.
" Steel calm down."
Quietly I get up out of bed and walk towards the window. I try to lift it's unlocked. Swiftly I turn around and grab my bag and start packing. Putting extra clothes, snacks, and water bottles in there.  As I zipped up my backpack as I grab my galaxy hoodie out of the closet and put it on. Steel looks at me concerned.
"Steel, I know you don't understand but I've got to do this. I love you and I'll be back soon." I say as I put my hair in a ponytail.
Before I leave I write a note to Alec that says,
Dear Alec,
  You knew I couldn't stay here and not help you guys. This is something that I've got to do, I hope you'll forgive me later on. I love you and I'll be back soon!
It breaks my heart having to leave him without him knowing. I look back once more as I put the backpack on.
"I'll see you later Steel." I say in a sigh
Then quickly I exit out of the window and quietly pull the window down. Soon I run up on top of the roof and head towards the garage. I look around to see if Selena and Jessie are out there, luckily they aren't.
Once I finish scanning the area I make my way down to the ground. As I look around once more I see that there's a motorcycle hiding in the bushes. I move closer to it quickly and notice there's a note on the front wheel that says.
Here is something that will help you travel undetected. Best of luck rescuing your mother.
                                                                                                           ~ Malec
Malec? How did he know I was going to go rescue my mom? I guess he figured I was going to go no matter what Alec, Jessie, and Selena say.
Quickly I take the note off of the motorcycle and rip it into pieces, then I get the bike up and quickly jog it to the front of the Ripon's gate and turn it on.
And what do you know, Malec's note was right. This motorcycle isn't loud at all.  As I get on the bike I grip my necklace somewhat tight.
"I'm coming for you mom."
With a blink of an eye I was off rushing towards the city lights of my hometown.

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