Only Seconds Left 1

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As i begin to wake up so many things come to mind. Today is my last day as a senior. Next week I graduate Greensville High School, and what a year this has been.

But sadly I've still got to get up for school one last time. The moment I sit up Steel comes running into my room. He nuzzles my hand as I look out my window into the neighborhood. All the kids are waiting at their designated spot where the bus picks them up. Everything's normal but it doesn't seem that way, so I try to look closer at the details. In the midst of all the kids I see someone that I don't recognize. they are wearing all black it seems, a hooded jacket showing a grey t-shirt underneath, black pants and shoes. our eyes meet for a split second as I duck behind my curtains.
I sit on the floor next to Steel wondering who was that person? Looking into Steels blue eyes he places he paw on my leg.

"I probably shouldn't ponder about this should i?"

A heavy sign escapes me as I get back up on my feet. Browsing through my closet deciding on what to wear. Should I end my last day in something stylish, cute, or I'm ready to get out of here? Baggy t-shirt and sweatpants it is. I slip on my converse, grab my bag and head downstairs. Soon as I reach the second to last step my clumsiness kicks in and I trip a bit.

"Oh my gosh Sky are you okay?"

"I'm alright Jason, calm down. I just slipped on one of Steels' toys, it's no big deal."

"Sky, that dog is nothing but troub-"

"No he's not Jason, don't ever say that again."

Mom appears behind him whispering something in his ear. whatever she said made him go back into the living room...good riddance.

"I'm sorry about Jason honey, you know how he lashes out when he's stressed from work. Come on into the kitchen and I'll make you some breakfast before you leave."

As she walks towards the kitchen I whistle for Steel. We both enter the kitchen at the same time, I take a seat at the kitchen island and Steel sits by my feet.

"You look nice mom, what's the special occasion?"

"Oh nothing special, just thought I'd dress up nice for once."

"Mom come on. It's Friday and your dressed like your eating at the most fanciest place in town...spill it."

"Okay fine...I didn't want to tell you until you got back home this afternoon but, I have a job interview at Jones Corporate Offices."

"That's awesome mom! You've always wanted to work there...I hope it goes well."

"I do too, now enough of the chit chat. You need to eat and head off to your last day as a senior."

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