Getting there

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At 5am ant slowly wakes up to the ringing sound of a loud alarm. He hops out of bed to stop his alarm at his desk. Today was the day to fly of to California for vid con, finally after months of waiting it was vidcon.
10 minuets later of ant being awake his phone starts to hear a buzz and a loud ring. He looks at his phone and it says
'Sean(mr grape) is trying to FaceTime you'
Creeps picks up and answers "Yo dude"
Grape replies to that
"Yo dude, just got a call saying my flight is delayed 2 hours later meaning I will get in to California the same time as you. Wait for me at the airport and we will get a cab to the cube house?" Grape blurted out
"Yeah cool I'll phone you when I'm there anyway I really have I go or I won't make it in time for the flight, see you later bro"
Creep ended the call there and finished eating his cereal. He put his dish in the sink got his suitcase and runs to his über.
After getting all done in New
Jersey he finally lands in Cali.

Ant gets of the plane and collects his bag and when he has he looks around to the other baggage areas to find grape. At his surprise he finds grape in his blue white and black stripy top.
As ant walks over he sees grape frantically searching for his bag examining every bag that comes out the elevator. Soon he finds his medium size plain black bag with a purple tag on saying his name.
He looks up and sees ant holding in his laughter
"Hey sorry I was searching for my bag thought I might of lost it,I havnt" grape happily says.

"Hey dude it's cool, glad you got your bag. Let's go get a cab before there all gone" ant replies
Later that day they both arrive at the cube house and are greeted by Graser;Mitchell;Bee and Tybzi.
After saying hello both of the boys went up to there room. They were sharing a room with 1 bed and 1 couch.
Creeps Dibs on the first night. They both decided as they were there for a short amount of time they would rotate on the bed and the couch.
Today was a free day tomororw was the start of vid con. They decided to go out to the cheese cake factory. Ant got a cheese mega burger with sweet potato fries and for desert he has a chocolate cheesecake.
Next one coming soon.

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