Chapter 13 : The Call

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Chapter 13 : The Call


I entered my house and closed the door carefully, tidak mahu mengejutkan sesiapa bangun dari tidur kerana sudah lewat malam.

"Mana kau pergi?"

My body stiffens when I heard his voice. The voice that I scared to hear when I decided to follow Hongbin.

"Suga.." Aku menoleh. My heart stopped when I saw his tired face.

"Aku dengar dari budak lain kat sekolah yang kau keluar dengan Hongbin. So aku pun tunggu la kau. Ingatkan sekejap. Tapi lama. Aku tak boleh nak tidur sebab terganggu. Kau pergi mana? Bila nak balik? Tapi kenapa dengan Hongbin?" ujar Suga.

"Aku risau sangat. Dan aku tak suka kau keluar dengan lelaki lain. Lebih-lebih lagi sampai lewat malam. I don't like it."

Aku hanya memandang Suga yang membuat muka sedih. Why do I feel happy when I know he doesn't like me to be around other guys?

"Please, bagi respon." Suga mendekati aku tetapi berhenti kira-kira tiga langkah dari aku.

Bagi respon macam mana? Hug you tightly and kiss you so hard?

Damn, stop it Bella. You're creating a wild imagination there.

"How? After you basically tried to forbid me from knowing other guys?" Aku menjongket kening, cuba berlagak biasa.

Suga mengeluh. "Kau tak faham, Bella, kau tak faham."

Tiba-tiba Suga menarikku dalam pelukan hangatnya. Aku hanya terkaku, tidak tahu perlu membuat apa. But I could feel that he's affecting me by this action.

My heart. It's beating dangerously fast. So fast and so loud to the point I think he can hear it.

What is this, Suga? Giving me a heart disease as a gift for protecting you is not the best present, you know.

Especially when you're doing nothing, but still can manage to get me falling in love with you. Hard.

"Kau tak faham dan takkan faham. Aku takut kalau kau faham apa yang kau tengah buat ni, kau akan lari dari aku." Suga berkata perlahan sambil menyembamkan wajahnya pada leherku.

I was speechless when I heard the pain in his voice. Slowly, I wrapped my hands around his waist, returning the hug.

What are you doing to me? And what shit in the world is the thing that I don't fcking understand?

Please enlighten me, you fcking asshole.


"Ingatkan kau dah mati."

Aku menoleh dan memberikan jelingan maut kepada Jimin.

"Hell yeah, aku dah mati kena langgar kereta semalam, aku datang sini sebab nak bawa kau pergi kubur dengan aku." I crossed my hands to my chest.

"Aren't you so sweet? Wanting us to die together?"

"Believe me, I just want to bring you to the hell quickly." I smirked and turned to continue cooking pancakes, worried it will be burned.

Pankek hangit sebab gaduh dengan Jimin? Totally not worth it.

Jimin ketawa kecil, mendekati aku dan meletakkan tangannya di atas bahuku membuatkan aku tensed. Jimin cepat-cepat menarik semula tangannya.

"Woah, sorry. Aku lupa kau tak suka skinship." Jimin smiled sheepishly.

"Nope, just my stupid body got worked out a little. It's okay." Aku membawa pankek ke meja makan.

His Protector (BTS' Suga/Min Yoongi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant