"Ok, one dance"

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(I know Mark can't drink but just go along with this) (Don't play the song until it says to)
(Y/fn= your friends name y/n= your name) You were at Marks house for a party. He threw it because he had just hit 13 million subscribers. You took a look around and saw Jack Bob Wade and a couple of other people with Mark having a chat. You were in the living area with Y/Fn playing a game on the Xbox. There was a presence on the couch and you see Mark with a beer in his hand and his eyes focused on the screen. You and Mark had never been more than friends but you always thought of being something more. "What's up Y/n" "nothing just kicking y/fn's butt" you said with a laugh. "Ok" y/fn said in a sarcastic tone. After about an hour or two of just chatting and playing and a little drinking everyone decided to go home. You were kinda trapped between people rushing and crowding the door. Mark started to pick up some cups left around and you decided to help him. "Why aren't you going home?" He asked. "Everyone was rushing and kinda trapped me in and it looks like you need a little help picking up."
After you were finished helping Mark pick up you grabbed your bag and keys and were about to head out the door. You didn't drink so you were fine to drive. "Hey, Y/n wait." You heard a Mark say. "What's up" "will you dance with me?" "What?" You said with a laugh. "We didn't dance and I just wanna dance" he said shaking his hips around. You looked at him laughing and then with a strong glare. "Cmon one dance?" "Ok, one dance" He then turned around to the Bluetooth speaker behind him on the counter and turned on one of your favorite songs in the world. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John. (Play video now) "How did you know I love this song?" "I listen to you. I would like to get to know you more though" he grabbed your waist and with the other hand grabbed your hand and held it up. You giggled and blushed. You looked in his eyes and he looked in yours. "Why do you want to get to know me?" "Because I think your great. And you have true potential. You're funny,smart, and just all around fun" You blushed again but this time it was different. It was interrupted with a soft pair of lips on yours. You didn't hesitate to kiss back. You pulled away and looked in his eyes. You kept swaying around until you put your head on his chest. You listened to his heartbeat. Strong but steady. He put is arms on your waist and you put your arms around his neck. You both knew that this was long overdue. From being friends in high school to being kind of adults now. He helped you through the hard times and you did the same for him. You finally decided where your future  lies, beyond your fears. You belonged with Mark and He belonged with you. The song had ended and you both pulled away. "I like you, a lot y/n." "And I like you." He turned the speaker off and scratched the back of his neck. "Thank you, ummm I had a really good time tonight." "Yeah, how about we go out sometime. Saturday ok?" You lit up inside trying not to show it on the outside. "Yeah, text me" you grabbed your bag and keys from where you had previously say them down . "Ok, night y/n"
"Nighty" you walked out the door and practically skipped to your car. The night was over. And you couldn't have it any other way.

(Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next bullshit writing. BUH BAIII. Sorry I picked an old song but the lyrics really have a lot of meaning to me.)

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