Home (Chapter 9)

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The flight had passed normally, quiet chatter here and there, stoic faces, endless blue sky. Y/N hung out near the hatch, alone. Her glower as she stared at the wall was enough to scare the rest of the agents away from her. All but Pietro. He had sat in the seat closest to where Y/N was standing. He asked no questions, made no comments. She noticed that there was 347 bolts on one of the panels. Two inches thick. She could probably tear her way out of there if she needed to. The hatch was closed, but it would be hard to get out of the quinjet through the hatch even if it was open, mostly because of the multitude of agents crowded around the opening. Plus, it would take too long to open anyways.

Y/N looked out of the window as the quinjet skimmed past the mountains. Sokovia.

"Home." Y/N whispered faintly, not noticing how Pietro's head lifted at her words. He heard it. Hype flexed her fingers and clenched them into a fist. She brushed her fingertips on the wall, feeling the vibrations of the engine through the walls. She felt sputters that weren't supposed to be there. She frowned. The quinjet landed on the front pavement. The hatch slowly opened and Quicksilver was already out, the blue fading behind him. Y/N walked cautiously out of the hangar and was bombarded by memories. She smelled the old, stale smell of her old home. She felt the vibrations in the air of machinery working deep inside the earth. She heard faint voices of HYDRA thugs.

Hype smiled a snake-like smile. Truly home.


The squadron had been sneaking around the hallways for a good 30 minutes when Quicksilver stopped and held up a hand. Y/N had known for a while that they were approaching people; she could hear their breathing from a mile away. The agents reached for their guns, fingers wrapping around the triggers. Pietro looked at "Malakai", a little confused at why she didn't immediately grab a gun. He noticed how her hands flexed, and how her muscles, which were usually tense, were unnaturally relaxed, like she knew what she was doing.

Like maybe she knew where she was.

Not an 'Oh, we're in Sokovia in a HYDRA base in the mountains' kind of know where they were, an 'I can tell where we are in the building, who we are going to encounter, and where we will end up'. Pietro found this weird.

Y/N met his eyes and realized that she was preparing for hand-to-hand combat. Her hand jerked as she grabbed a gun, trying to make it look like that had had been her plan the whole time. Twin pistols were in her hands, clutched at her sides. Shouting overtook the base as the agents stormed the room, guns raised. The grunts ran, some shooting at the agents, who shot back. Quicksilver was quick to grab one of the thugs that had been yelling orders. Quicksilver beckoned Hype to his side as the other agents left the room, going to find where the other thugs had gone.
"Y/N?" The man looked up at Hype, her name slipping past his lips. Her eyes widened and she gave him a glance of pure fear, before masking it with hatred, placing her gun to the thug's temple.
"Who is Y/N?" Pietro asked the man coldly. When the man did not answer, he pressed his own gun on the thug's temple as well. "Tell me!" Quicksilver yelled.
"It's her."
A shot rang out from Hype's gun. The body crumpled to the ground.
"Shit." She cursed. Pietro was quick to raise the gun to Y/N's direction, aiming at her head. She dropped the gun.
"Who are you?" Pietro asked slowly.
"I didn't mean to kill him." Y/N avoided the question. Pietro gripped the gun tighter.
"I asked, who are you?"
"Malakai Shinu."
"Bull." Y/N debated telling him her name. Her cover would be blown. But she didn't have a last name. That would be her saving grace. She would report after the mission to HYDRA to kill those idiots who blew her cover. Exterminate them.
"Y/N." Her name tumbled out of her mouth. Pietro visibly relaxed, muscles relaxing bit by bit.
"Last name?" In that moment, Y/N decided something.
"They never gave me one." Pietro stiffened again.
"What?" He asked quietly.
"They never gave me one." Y/N repeated. Distress. She thought. Act as if you're in distress. Her fingers gently brushed the wall, an expression of sadness pasted onto her face.
"Who...?" The gun that Pietro held was at his side now.
"HYDRA." Y/N conjured up some crocodile tears, eyes watering. She made her knees give out beneath herself, falling to the ground. "Pietro... I've killed so many people." At least that part was true. "I wanted to join SHIELD to get back on the right side after I escaped from this hell-hole. So I shed my old identity and adopted a new one." That part wasn't.
Pietro was watching Y/N with careful eyes, still processing the information.
"God, I'm such a monster." Y/N covered her face with her hands.
"Y/N, you're not a monster." Pietro's voice took on a softer form. She smirked into her hands. A monster? He had no idea. That's how Y/N liked it and that was how it was going to stay. He would stay clueless.


Quick update!!


I forgot to warn you about cursing, but sorry, it seemed appropriate.

You didn't see that coming,

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