The Next One (Chapter 7)

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Y/N had slept soundly that night, sinking into the soft mattress. She had been sleeping fitfully because of all of the noise, the vibrations of the feet marching through the halls, and the random fits of shouting that always seemed to follow her.

SHIELD treated their agents much better than HYDRA did, as was evident in the room that each agent used. Stark white walls with a blue SHIELD insignia on the door. A soft mattress, a desk, a window, a small closet and a table with a chair. Concrete walls with no windows or comforts was all she had gotten at HYDRA. She was used to it though.

One down, a whole lot more to go.

Y/N had to get to the mess hall, as breakfast was about to be given out. Taking quick strides down the glass hallways, "Malakai" cursed under her breath. Skirts and high heels were not what she was expecting when she took up this mission. Sunglasses were clipped to her pocket on her suit. A sea of navy blue greeted her as she walked in with the last few stragglers into the mess hall. Y/N sat at an almost empty table in the back of the room after getting her breakfast on a plate. A vanilla parfait with red berries on top of it that she had never seen before.

Y/N prodded at the berries with her spoon, slowly placing one on her tongue. Her eyes lit up like fire. Those things were good. She started shoveling heaping spoonfuls into her mouth, the sweetness of the berries making her happy for the first time in a long while.

"Vat's a bit much, do you not think?" A male voice with a very apparent russian accent slinked into Y/N's ears. She quickly wiped her face with a napkin and looked up. A man with silver hair and bright, blazingly blue eyes peered down at her. Her mind was screaming curses.

Road Runner.

"Sir." Y/N stood up and saluted, as she was taught to.

"Please, just call me Pietro."

Finally. Y/N thought. I can put a name to the face. A sickly sweet smile wormed its way onto her face, not reaching her eyes.

"I something wrong?" Pietro asked. Y/N quickly shook her head. She snuck a look at the nametag adorning his shirt. Agent P. Maximoff.

"No." Y/N answered instantly, trying to mask the hatred on her face. She was thinking about how good it would feel to have his neck in between her hands, slowly squeezing the life from his lungs. Y/N almost smiled at the thought. Almost.

"Alright then, just call if you need anything!" With a blur of blue light, Road Runner was gone. Y/N's eyes slowly tracked his progress, tracing him across the room to two women, one in red and one in black.

Black Widow and Scarlet Witch.

Y/N understood that those were two of which she was supposed to keep track of and kill. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver/Pietro were first priority; they knew the most. Y/N finished eating her breakfast and walked slowly to her cubicle.

All throughout the day, she was thinking. She wasn't paying much attention to her work, but still was doing a decent job on it. After a few hours of pondering about how to kill the Avengers, Y/N finally came up with a genious plan. Poison. The problem was how to get the poison to them. Y/N finished her work, still pondering what she was going to do, when she bumped into someone.

"Agent." Nick Fury looked down at Malakai. She hurriedly stood, saluting. Fury frowned. He handed her a paper. "I was going to go deliver these myself, but I got called by the council. I need you to deliver these to Agent P. Maximoff." Nick turned and left Y/N with the papers. She sighed, letting go of the salute.

Making her way through the maze of hallways, Y/N clutched the papers tightly in her hand. She hadn't read them, as someone would have seen her snooping. Fury had not told Hype where to find Maximoff, but she had felt multiple spurts of movement through her shoes, making her jump every time she felt an irregularity. Y/N found herself walking to the training room, where she felt Pietro jumping from one place to another. It was almost too fast for her to catch, but she did. She also heard grunts of physical exertion and yells of irritation.

She pushed open the main doors, slipping through the small crack that she made between the steel. Still being in a skirt and heels made her uncomfortable and tense. She was sure that the tenseness in her muscles showed through the navy blue button-up suit. Y/N molded her face into the perfect specimen of questioning; like she was looking for someone.

Hype immediately pushed her back up to the door, almost getting hit by a blast of red... What? Crinkling her brow, Y/N kept close to the walls of the training room. She didn't know that the Scarlet Witch's powers escalated past her mind powers, but apparently, it did. She edged closer to the action. Pietro was running from place to place, narrowly missing the blasts of energy that the Scarlet Witch aimed toward him. He suddenly stopped and held up a hand, breathing hard.

"давай возьмем перерыв.*" He breathed out.

"хорошо.**" The Witch caught her breath by leaning on the wall. Her eyes flicked over to Y/N. "брат.***" Pietro looked over and saw the papers in Y/N's hand.

"Yes?" He asked, reverting to English. Pietro remembered the woman who he had approached during breakfast on a dare that morning. Scarlet Witch had said that she wasn't able to read her mind; that this mystery agent had some defences.

"Fury told me to give these to you." Y/N handed the stack of papers to Pietro.

"Thank you маленькая ягода****." The Witch snorted. Y/N gritted her teeth; she understood the russian, and she hated that Maximoff was calling her "Little Berry". That meant that he recognised her from breakfast, when she was eating berries. Y/N cleared her throat.

"My name is Malakai Shinu. Not 'Little Berry'." Pietro looked slightly taken aback that this new agent could understand russian. Y/N turned on her heel and was caught by her shoulder.

"Where are you from Agent Shinu?" The Scarlet Witch's brown-red eyes bored into Y/N's E/C ones.

"Not anywhere around here."


*давай возьмем перерыв- Let's take a break

**хорошо- Alright

***брат- brother

****маленькая ягода- little berry

Took forever, I know. But RUSSIAN! YASSSS

You didn't See That Coming,


Clueless-- Quicksilver x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя