Timeskip (Chapter 4)

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(Yes, the chapter name is Timeskip, 'cause, well, there was one.)

~~~~~~~Timeskip to after da war-y, Ultron-y stuff~~~~~~~

(And NO, in this AUish thing, Pietro is NOT dead. HE LIVES!!)

Y/N was in the de-briefing room. A cold, stark grey, concrete room that made anyone feel like they were being kept in a prison. The lack of windows added to that feeling. Y/N frowned at the nameless HYDRA thug in front of her. He handed her a file with red ink that screamed CLASSIFIED in all caps. Hype stood to go read it in the "comfort" of her quarters.

This HYDRA facility was run-down. So run-down that they were unable to make a new room for Y/N. So she knew everything. Well, almost everything. She knew when a soldier was coming to wake her up, she knew when something went wrong, as the alarm that would blare was moderately loud, but to her, it was loud. Very, very, loud.

Y/N sighed as she firmly pushed the button that opened her door. The motors groaned and eventually gave in, squealing as they moved to the left. It slowly closed behind her as she walked into the barren cell of a room. Sitting on the piece of plywood that she called a bed, Hype opened the file. Fifteen pictures slid out onto her lap. There was two pictures for all but one person. One picture of the man or woman in regular poses or regular places, and one of them fighting. Y/N sifted through the snapshots of the people, amazed at how HYDRA was able to get these pictures. 'They're probably just screenshots of security feeds that someone hacked into.' Y/N thought. She suddenly stopped. She held up two pictures. One of Road Runner and one of Mind Games. Hype dropped the pictures and rifled through the papers until she found the packet she had been looking for.

Pietro and Wanda Maximoff

A.K.A. Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch

Ex HYDRA members

Went rouge. Knows information.

Last known whereabouts: The new Avengers base.

Must be exterminated.

The last sentence made Hype smile. Finally, she would be able to kill the two people she had wanted to kill. Reading through the rest of the documents, she learned things about the Avengers that they didn't know about each other. Y/N also learned that she had six months to finish the killings. She would have to kill the Maximoffs, not the rest of the Avengers, just the ones that knew something. But, She thought. If they knew something, I'll just kill them too. Collateral damage. Y/N shrugged.

She began formulating her plan.

Kay, just so yalls know, I'm making shorter chapters because, 1, they're easier to write, and 2, that means that I can update more.

So yeah.



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