Eighth Drop: Prediction.

Start from the beginning

Mom: You talked to them didn't you?

I didn't say anything, "them" is many.

Mom: I know iKON came to your school. They approached you didn't they? They told you lies.


You: But mom-

Mom: No buts! I did not allow you to associate yourself with them didn't I? How can you be such a bad child.

You: Mom you're acting weird.. Why are you so demanding.. I barely talked to them.

Mom: ___, I am done with you disobeying me. I have nothing to say to you. Those boys only speak lies.

You: Why? Why the hell-


I can feel a dark force pushing me unconsciously into my room. I opened the door and closed it immediately. My room looks bright and sunny, so it's like I'm in a different world finally. I lay against the door and slide down, thinking about how unreal my mom just acted.

You: I wish I could stay in this room forever and forever and for all eternity.








That feeling again.


A hard electric hit me in the heart. I woke up.

How long have I been sleeping?

It is now dark outside, the moon is rising. I looked at the clock and it's 8 pm. School ended 2 hours ago.

I don't wanna go back to school..

And that feeling.. I wonder what it is?

Suddenly, I hear my mom talking on the phone outside.

"Yes she's sleeping right now.. Don't worry"

Is she talking about me?

I lay on my bed, stay quiet and try to listen to the conversation.

"She might have found out about what happened.. Nae.. Nae.. I will try my best to keep it away from her. She must not know the truth"


My mom lied.

There's this feeling within me that makes me mad. I'm hurting.

"Hanbin and Bobby are going to pay the price for this. I will handle it myself"

Hanbin and Bobby? What?! What price? Will they get hurt? Just for telling me.. I.. So.. Does that means everything Hanbin told me were truths?

I got out of bed and approached the door.. I slid down, put both of my ears near the door. I'm trying to hear the conversation more clearly.

"I'm sorry I have to go, she woke up"

How the.. How did she knows?

I slammed the door open.

She immediately turned around, freaked out.

You: What is the meaning of this?

She couldn't say anything. She's holding onto her phone, try to end the call.

You: Mom.. You know you're the only one I have left right?

Mom: ___..

You: Everyone hates me mom. Because of dad. They despised the both of us. You know that? I don't know what is going on! I want to know what happened to dad.. I want to know the truth. Why are you trying to hide things away from me? You're the only person I have left..

I guess I have no one else.

You: Well.. Guess I have no one else.

I pushed her aside and decided to leave the house.

Mom: Wait ___, don't you dare leave!

You: I'm going away! I'm sick of everything.





I don't know where to run to. It's nighttime already. Where else can I go.. ? Where can I stay. I'm so hungry. Ahh.

The airport.

Oh. Right..

My house is near an airport. It kinda sucks because sometime there are weird noises from the airport heard from my house. Anyways, I'm going to the airport. At least I can stay there over night.

As I arrived, a lot of people were leaving. Everyone is waiting for someone, their family, lovers, friends. Some people once a while stared at me weirdly and asked why am I wearing my school uniform. They thought I'm currently in mock school and ditching class. I ended up explain my to them I don't attend mock school and waiting for my family oversea, which is a lie. As I walk around, I try to distance myself further from everyone. I feel like a lone wolf.

I sat down on one of the waiting seat. I'm staring at the air and the people that are leaving to the airplane.

There were lots of girls waiting too. Are they running away from home? Ani. They all looked too happy for that.

I looked around and noticed some of the boards they're holding. I thought those were just welcome boards but.. as I payed more attention..

"Welcome Back"


"Hanbin you're my style~"



Before I even grasp what's going on. I can feel a strong aura from a group of people bypassing me.


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What is he doing here?

Behind him are the rest of the iKON members.

They're leaving? To where?

At that glimpse of a moment, I wanted to make eye contact with him. I want time to freeze again. I need time to freeze.

Without thinking, I grab his shirt.

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