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Stay alive, stay clean, dear god stay clean.. Repeat.
These were the words I told myself at anytime from 2-3 am. Every morning mom or brother would come in yell at me to get up and I'd get up 30 minutes later. Do the daily routine of combing my long smooth brown hair (which by this time should start turning blonde) getting dressed in what I felt was comfortable and attractive, my favorite shirt which was my bring me the horizon t-shirt which I had gotten around Christmas, my dark jeans every one of my eight bracelets and my thin black jacket to top it off. Except not everything was normal this morning. When I woke there was a puddle of blood near my forearm, where I had bled because I was used once again and tore my arm to shreds "Shit!" I said quickly yet quietly ripping off my sheets and putting them in the washing machine so my parents wouldn't find out, after I got dressed I grabbed a soda, some gum my knife and left for school. (I was running late due to the "incident")

I texted my friend Alex on the way to school so she wouldn't worry when she got there and I wasn't.
"Hey are you at the school?" I asked
"Yes" she replied
"Sweet. I'm almost there. See you in a bit!:)"
I replied in a heartbeat because Alex was the best part of my daily hell. She was the greatest thing that ever happened to me, she was my best friend. Alex was a smaller girl, 4'11 and there was no way she was over 100lbs she had brown wavy hair but she always straightened it because she hated the way it was naturally, she had brown eyes which she claims are "boring and not beautiful" even though I often catch myself staring into them during class. I turned the music loud but my thoughts were louder.. What if she finds out what you are?!?! The monster you've become?? She'll never want to see you again you freak!

I walked into school looking for her as I neared my table that I always went to and there she was in my spot, I was pleased to see that we would be alone this morning as j felt like we connected like no one else could, I didn't know what it was yet but it pulled me to her and I loved it, I loved... Her. I loved her brown hair and her beautiful brown eyes and her voice made me smile no matter how much hell I'd been through that day, she made me feel like I mattered when I knew I didn't.
I walked over and put my hand on her shoulder letting her know I was there with her and she wouldn't be startled if I said anything.
I saw her eyes and I fell into a trance and I got caught staring at her and she said "Hello? Earth to Alex! Come In Alex!" She got a smile and a few laughs out of me as I tried to play it off. "Oh! Sorry! I guess I zoned off again...." I said scratching the back of my head trying to make sure she didn't think I was staring at her because I knew she could never love me. I sat down in the chair next to her and I leaned close to her because I was curious what was in her phone and also I wanted to get a whiff of her perfume which I loved. "So what are you looking at?" I asked. She quickly and nervously tried to turn off her pone but before she did I saw my name and was curious. "I was just reading the message you sent me. I zoned out while looking at it. I guess my screen never shut itself off." She said. I had barely heard the words she spoke I was too focused as to why she was wearing a jacket in this weather, I mean I was sweating badly but I had a reason to wear mine which she could never find out. "Why are you looking At me with that last ok on your face?" She asked. I didn't want her to know I was staring, "I'm just confused. You're wearing a jacket when it's almost 70 and will be 80 later! Aren't you hot?" I asked, (I knew she was hot just in a different way) "No I feel fine! I get cold easily remember? And besides you're wearing one too!" She said with a smile, I knew something was off, her smile wasn't the normal one that I usually see, it was different. "Oh yeah! I forgot. Okay. Well I hope you get warm soon. And take off that jacket soon..." I said getting quieter after each word slipped from my mouth, I didn't mean for her to hear the last part, I really wanted to see her In less clothing it also worried me that she was wearing a jacket when it was this warm out. The bell went off, if I had a dime every time that damn bell has ruined my day is be rich by now. "There's the 5 minute bell. I better get going. I'll see you later Zeke!" She yelled as she ran to class. Zeke.. I hated that name, my parents named me Ezekiel from the bible because my family is very religious, I however am not. I got up and slowly dragged my way to first hour

Alexandria and Ezekiel: His side Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant