Chapter 10: I commit a crime and cry about it

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My hands shook as I drove my hover towards the detention center. It was a little late to be getting cold feet, but still, I was getting cold feet. 

"Can I do this? I am actually doing this! I am going nuts, crazy, out of my mind..." I rambled on to myself. Then I laughed. "I am going so crazy I am actually talking to myself! Ha!" 

Then I closed my eyes and took a deep, deep breath. "Easy, girl, easy does it. You are the daughter of the governor, you have power, you can do this. This guy saved my skin back in the market," I was talking to myself again, "and now I'm going to save his. I'll..." I swallowed hard against any emotions, "I'll bring down my father and the entire slave market if I have to."

At 6:10, I pulled up in the parking bay, still breathing. My gut was doing gymnastics, but I managed to take control. After all, the success of this entire endeavor depended on me keeping a cool head. I had a plan, and that would have to be enough. Blowing out a final breath, I stepped into the detention facility.

Of course, there was the standard procedure of taking off any metal and walking through a scanner. I had left my knives and any other weapons in my hover, so I walked through with ease and confidence. 

Step 1- Get through the door is complete.

They stopped me at the desk, but only to ask about the cookies I had with me.

"I made a batch this afternoon and thought it would give the doomed souls of the soon-to-be-terminated some comfort," I said sweetly, batting my eyelashes."Of course, if you would like to try one yourself, feel welcome." I proffered the basket filled with cookies.

I could almost see the gears turning. The officer didn't want to contradict the Governor's daughter and risk his job over a batch of cookies, and what could a little girl do with baked goods? Besides, he would get a bunch of really good cookies out of the mix. 

Sucker. Present a man with a smile, fluttering eyelashes, and a basket full of cookies, and they fall down at your feet.

He reached out and took maybe a half dozen from the basket. I was glad I had made over 100. "Thank you, Miss. I and my coworkers commend your kindness and generosity."

I bowed my head slightly. "Thank you, sir."

"I will arrange for an escort to take-"

"There is no need for that, sir," I said quickly but still smoothly. "I can find my own way around if you would just give me a map."

"But miss, it's no trouble-"

"If those I visit see an officer with me, they may think I am here on official, possibly deadly business." I pointed out. "They may think I am part of the execution."

The man thought for a moment. "The prisoners-"

"-are all locked up, are they not? They cannot hurt me, and I cannot open the doors. What could go wrong?"

Finally, the guy ran out of objections. He handed me a holo-handheld and pulled up a map of the entire facility. "The termination block is along this corridor. Press the red button here," he gestured to the button on the handheld's side, "if you need assistance in any way."

"Thank you, sir." I gushed, batting my eyelashes a little more. Then he showed me to the door and I was on my way.


The hallways and cells were cold and metallic. Every move I made echoed and the dim fluorescent lights completed the bleak picture. As I walked the halls, I was haunted by a feeling of hopelessness. This was the place where people went to be imprisoned or killed. How many people walked these cold, heartless halls to meet their end? Would I share their fate? Would this work? Would I-

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