"Why haven't you been answering your phone?! We all thought you were dead!" you heard [Friend's Name] screech on the other side, causing you to move the phone away from your ear. You grumbled lowly to yourself as your eyes narrowed before you finally placed the device back close to your ear.

"Why I haven't been answering is none of your concern, what do you want?" you asked, your voice cracking a bit and causing you to cough.

"Okay, look we're having a little get together out by the lake and wanted to know if you want to come" [Friend's Name] said. You hummed, wanting to reject the offer but knew that you had to do something to get your mind off E.J.

"Fine, I'll come" you said, wincing as you heard them cheer loudly on the other end before telling you all the details.

Ticci Toby:
"Please" Zach said, clasping his hands together as you both were outside on a break. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you couldn't believe what he was asking of you.

"No, Toby and I may have broken up a week ago but that doesn't mean I'm ready to get back into another relationship" you said.

"Come on, he's a nice guy and I've told him about you. He says he'd really liked to meet you, even if it doesn't develop into a romantic relationship you could at least give him a try" Zach said, now dropping to his knees and looking up at you with wide puppy dog eyes. You bit your lip, thinking.

"Well it would be better to get out instead of going home and cry" you whispered to yourself before sighing in defeat. "Fine, I'll meet this friend of yours" you said, wincing as Zach cheered and raced off to call his friend.

Your stomach growled, protesting with your lack of eating. You weren't motivated to do anything really, only moving from time to time, but for the most part you just lied in bed and stared up at the ceiling. With another growl you sucked in a sharp breath and forced yourself to stand. You almost didn't react when you saw your mess of a form in the dresser mirror. You stopped and stared at yourself, almost tempted to just leave the house like that but decided against it and started to fix yourself up.

Don't want to catch too much at the cafe.

"Come on sweetheart, you were invited to go out camping with your friends. I think you would enjoy it more the hiding yourself away in your room being miserable for another week" your mother said as she sat beside you on your bed. You were sitting there, cutting up any photos that had Hoodie in them, your eyes blank and void of emotion as you watched the scissors cut another picture in half. Your mother didn't know why you were cutting up some of your pictures seeing how you loved to keep everything you took a picture of.

"No" you mumbled as you picked up another picture, making sure your mother couldn't see it.

"Please, do it for me" you heard your mother say. Causing you to look away from the picture that had both you and Hoodie sharing a kiss. The look of sadness in her eyes as she pleaded for you to go on this trip made you feel guilty for making her worry. With a sigh you unconditionally nodded your head, smiling a little when your mother smiled brightly at you.

Dr. Smiley:
You sat in the doctor's office, a real doctor's office for that fact. Your left eye was swollen and you could barely feel your left arm. In fact you couldn't move it at all. It's been a week since the break up and you had ran into that sleazy woman you caught your boyfriend with. She was with a few older men, turns out it wasn't the best idea to pick a fight with her when she with those three guys. "Ms. [Last Name], the doctor will be with you shortly, he's just finishing up his lunch" the nurse said as she peeked into the room.

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