Journal Entry Six

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I spent the next few months following lead after lead after lead, until finally, I got the location of a farm in the countryside where the murderer was most likely located. I traveled there the night after we celebrated James' birthday, again because of Christine's insistence on how much family mattered, and I wouldn't have missed it anyway, it's not every year your son turns four. I arrived at the barn shortly after noon, and was surprised at what I found.

-November 23, 1978 New York Countryside-

I pushed open the barn doors, a musty smell reaching my nostrils. Taking in the inside of the barn, the first thing I noticed was that it was either still in use or the last farmer had never bothered to clean out the old hay and tools. It almost seemed as though the previous owner had a serious hoarding problem, the room had hardly any space to move around, and it looked like I might be subject to a nail scrape or a few if I went in any further. Suddenly I heard a voice out of the shadows, "So, you've decided to pay me a visit. Took you long enough. If I recall correctly, it's been exactly eight months since you started this case, and what a journey it's been for you." An ear splitting laugh tumbled around the room, filling me with, well, fear. In that moment, I couldn't help but feel helpless and vulnerable, the voice was just so confident and knowing, as if it knew everything about me, and somehow, I didn't doubt that. My theory was only confirmed when it continued, "So, you celebrated your son's birthday yesterday, I hope you enjoyed that. Especially considering that I could make it your last memory right here and now. I even have my 'strangely inspirational quote' ready."

I looked around to face the wall I was standing in front of, and sure enough there was the quote, painted in bold letters in Christine's favorite shade of light purple;

"A man with dreams needs a woman with vision. Her perspective, faith and support will change his reality. If she doesn't challenge you, then she's no good for you. Men who want to stay ordinary will tell you not to have expectations of them. Men who want to be great expect you to push them, pray with them and invest in them."

(-Sr. Rob Hill)

"So, what do you think? Fitting? I think it works perfectly, it's a shame you didn't have the time or energy to go visit my other ones, I think they were quite good to. You would have been nicely spooked by those as well," the voice, which by now was starting to sound very maniacal, said, "All I have to do is pull the trigger on my nice two millimeter Kolibri, and boom, bye bye Carl Richards."

A figure started to materialize from the shadows, expertly weaving through the junk. I couldn't make out a face, but it was clearly female. Long dark locks framed the face cast in shadows, and as she came closer I could see deep blue eyes glinting at me from within the shadows. I was speechless. The only thing I managed to choke out in my terror was, "So you are f-fe-fem-female."

"Yes indeed I am. Surprised? Or just deflated that your wife was right and you were not," as she came closer, I started to make out a wicked, cracked smirk on her face.

"No! I- I just, no. I trust Christine more than anyone. I was merely wondering how you could do something so horrible," my voice cracked though, and I didn't sound convincing, "You're gonna kill me aren't you, this is going to be my last moment?"

"Well, that was the plan, but I don't really feel like it anymore," she said, a girlish giggle I really didn't expect from her coming out, "Oh, and by the way, my names Taylor. Don't expect to find me again, and if you do, this bullet won't miss you head." With that, she shot the gun, a bullet planting itself right above me in the door, "Get lost kiddo."

-March 23, 2017 St. Jonah Hospital - Boston-

That was that, and after scrambling out of the barn at lightning speed I went to Chief McCarthy, told him, much to his disappointment, that I could not continue the case because of the event which I was forced to describe, to my complete embarrassment. I couldn't imagine the shame of being completely defeated, by a woman no less. I realize now that there was no shame, women have more brain power than men anyway. That was clearly demonstrated by Christine. When I mentioned Taylor's name, McCarthy flinched, but I never understand, to this day, why. I understand that the women in our world have been oppressed, at least I can be satisfied with the extremely recent change of events in which women are speaking out. Although I didn't realize it, at the time I was thirty-one, it was already beginning, and there were two examples right before my eyes; Christine, and yes, Taylor. I get all this and more now. And I'm glad.

What's this? A visitor? The nurse just told me an older woman who claims to be an old school friend had come to visit me. I wonder who ever has come to visit me. I most likely won't remember her anyways, to her sure disappointment. Oh well, I suppose the polite thing to do is say hello, especially if we were once friends. I'm putting away the notebook now, but I just caught a glimpse of her face, and her smile is one I'll never forget, it's Taylor!

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