Journal Entry Two

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Well, the case had begun, and I was set to crack it. I had a small fleet of normal policemen to protect me during crime scene investigations, but other than that I was left on my own, and Chief McCarthy's "Faith" wasn't going to do me much good either. I remember exactly how my first investigation went....

-March 26, 1978 NYC Waste Facility-

The first murder was committed in possibly the worst smelling place in the whole of New York City; the government waste facility. I had been assigned my task a few day after it was committed, so anything that could have fingerprints was already analyzed. However, no fingerprints were found, so clearly the murderer was being smart about the whole thing. I wasn't sure why I went to go check it out, but it had seemed like the right thing to do.

As I wandered into the currently closed off area, surrounded by heavily armed security guards and holding a small pistol in my own hand, the first thing I noticed was the quote mentioned in the case file.

"The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one"

(-Oscar Wilde)

I was struck by how fitting it was, and everyone just stood in a stunned silence because all of us had just been complaining about the smell. The silence was finally broken when the youngest of the group, I believe his name was Lex, spoke up with a nervous laugh, "Well, if I wasn't here at my job, I'd be back home with my girlfriend and not smelling the whole city's crap."

"Ha, well, without this job you wouldn't have no girlfriend to come home to, cause no girl likes a jobless man," Steve said, his old eyes wrinkling with laughter. "Although, what can an old man, close to retirement who still doesn't have a wife to come home to, say? 'Parently this job didn't do me much good."

I laughed with the rest of the guys, but I was having trouble shaking off the strange feeling that the whole thing was planned. Not in the sense that McCarthy was pranking me, but, it just didn't seem right that the first quote we find matches so perfectly with our thoughts. I walked closer to the wall to see if there was anything the lab had over-looked, like a hidden catch or anything that would give some hint as to how the murderer had stayed off camera. The only thing I found was a very small bullet hole, too small to put a nail in. It was easy to see how no one had seen this before, but I instantly knew it could reveal a whole lot more about the whole thing then some fingerprint lacking paint cans.

I called for the boys with a simple wave of the hand, and they all sauntered over, a little too slow for my liking, "Boys, we need to get this hole and whatever is in it investigated. Rick, call the lab. Lex, get out your camera and take some photos. And as for the rest of you, stay on guard while I start to pry this bullet out." It felt really good to be in complete control of my fleet, but I might have been a tad too cold to them. Especially seeing as we could be working together for a long time yet.

"Can do Inspector."

"On it."

"It would be my pleasure."

"Inspector, wouldn't it be wise to check if the bullet went through the other side of the wall? I don't think the wall is very thick, judging by the fact that it's made of thin bricks, and usually they don't make those two thick," an officer suggested, bursting my feeling of power, although that was probably a good thing. His idea was sound, and though I didn't want to admit it, he was probably completely right too.

"Right-e-o you are, good idea Officer," I said, laughing off the discomfort caused by having what should be just a burly officer think of a better idea than I. Because we pretty much had free reign I slipped through the door a little ways down the wall, which seemed to be part of a storage building. Indeed the officer had been correct for when I looked at the the point where the hole on the other side was, I saw that that the hole, although slightly smaller, was there. Using judgement gained from years of fighting crime, (six to be exact) I followed a line only I could see that went into a downward arc, right into the side of a punctured globe. Why there was a globe in the storage room of a waste facility I couldn't say, but it didn't matter to me, I had found the bullet and that was all that mattered.

The bullet now in a plastic bag rubbing against the inside of my coat pocket, I exited the room. A small creak sounded as I closed the door, just as I heard a very loud automobile pull up. That was the lab on their way to pick up the bullet. Now all that was left was for them to analyze it and give me some hint as to how the murder was committed.

-March 2, 2017 St. Jonah Hospital - Boston-

And now it seems I've got some visitors, my lovely wife and our son, who has brought his two children along as well. One day they will read this and try to remember this day, although they most likely won't be able to. Just as I can hardly remember my own grandfather...

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