Journal Entry One

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Target name: Unknown

Crime: Murder of at least seven everyday citizens, along with the vandalization of private property managed by government offices.

Appearance: Unknown

Prior Offences: Unknown

Other Information: Has never been caught on camera, although bodies of victims are always found in heavily surveillanced areas. A strangely inspirational message is always spray painted above the victim's head, and it is always tagged with this misleading message:

I Am Here Now

I remember that case and the year I spent working on it like it all happened yesterday. Actually, I remember it much better than the boring day I was forced to spend in the hospital yesterday. You could even say I remember it better than anything these days, with the Alzheimer's beginning to set in. Thirty-nine years later, that case is the only thing still on, and in, my mind. That case, and the events surrounding it, changed my life, forever.

New York's a crazy place, and I didn't know it then, but it was about to get a whole lot crazier. I was just an up and coming officer with few above me, but the ones above me were always making me do the dirty work, and believe me, this was going to be some real dirt.

-March 23, 1978 The NYC Police Headquarters-

"Inspector Richards, this will be the case you will be working on for the time being. It's unclear how long this will take, but I think your abilities should be adequate." The closest thing to a boss I had, Police Chief McCarthy, told me that one fateful morning, sliding the case file across my desk and sipping his coffee. Unaware of what I was about to get myself into, I nonchalantly opened the file, only to freeze when I realized I had pretty much zero information.

"Um... Chief McCarthy? Is this it?" I said, my voice ringing with alarm, no case file I had ever had was so... so sorely lacking in leads and information. I looked up again, only to be met with his usual poker face, giving me no hint as to what he was thinking, "I mean, isn't this, well, not enough to work with? I've never had to investigate anything without any real lead, where will I start?"

"That's a whole lot of questions to be asking, Inspector Richards. As I said, I think your abilities will be enough for this, you have my faith," he replied, ever so helpfully, the smallest hint of a mocking smile on his face. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes as he continued, "And besides, this is the case every detective dreams of, a serial killer and strange clues. What more could you wish for?"

"How about something to work off of," I grumbled, making sure Chief McCarthy couldn't hear me. That marked the beginning of a whole new chapter in my life.

-March 1, 2017 St. Jonah Hospital - Boston-

Looks like the nurse has come to tell me I ought not exert myself. Well, I think writing down the last of what I know for my grandchildren to see ain't such a bad thing. Ah well, what are we going to do, I suppose I'll continue the story of the case when I'm having some alone time tomorrow. 

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