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I’m so sorry! I forgot three couples when I originally posted this! But here you are!

*Vanessa & Zayn*

Zayn has always been the perfect guy to Vanessa, with his charming personality and sweetness. He’s the only person that understands her, other than her friends. The only problem is, he’s a bad boy and goes by his own rules which often lead to him getting into fights. For this reason, her parents don’t like him. And Vanessa is tired of it. She’s tired of doing everything her parents tell her. She wants to live her own life, making her own decisions. So they are running away together.

*Ashley & Nathan*

Ashley fell for the adorable and loving Nathan at a young age, but he didn’t notice her until they were in high school, when he became Mr. Bad Boy. She’s the only one that he’s really friendly too, besides her friends and his friends. He knows he needs to be respectful around them, otherwise she would kick his ass. However, he doesn’t have any respect for her parents. He never did. He didn’t like them from the start and the same with them. They wanted him out of the house the moment they met him. All that matters to Ashley though is they are madly in love and he makes her feel like no one else ever has. She plans to run away from the criticism and live in his arms for the rest of her life.

*Brittany & Jay*

Jay has two sides to him. But no one else besides Brittany knows the sensitive, romantic, and caring side of him. She’s the one that brings the best out in him and he does the same for her. She feels as if he’s the only one who gets her. Her parents don’t care how he makes her feel though. They don’t think he’s ‘her type’, but that’s the thing. Brittany doesn’t have a type. And he gets in trouble too much for their liking. But who cares what they think? She loves him with all of her heart and she needs to get away. So she’s going to jump on the back of his motorcycle and they are going to drive off into the sunset.

*Lexy & Siva*

Nobody could be better than Siva to Lexy. All she’s ever asked for was a sweet, funny, cute guy and she got him. Although he is all of those things to her, he doesn’t really get along with others and it often causes him to get into trouble. Trouble as in trouble with the law. Her parents don’t want her dating someone like that. They’re afraid she’ll turn into him. Lexy is in love with him and she wants to stay with him for the rest of her life, but she won’t be able to if she stays in her town. She’s going to run away from this cruel town, away from the bullying and away from her parents.

*Ally & Niall*

Niall isn’t like all of the other guys that Ally has been with. She can trust him and he makes her feel special. Her parents don’t want her dating him. He’s not good enough in their eyes. They want her to marry a rich man who they pick. But she just sees them all as snobs. There’s no way she’s going to have an arranged marriage, so she’s packing her bags and leaving with the love of her life. She doesn’t want to be stuck in this town forever.

*Alex & Max*

The moment Max smiled at Alex, she fell for him. They grew closer and next thing you know, they’re mad in love. Everything he does is perfect and Alex doesn’t get how her parents hate him so much. According to them though, he’s not good enough and he’ll end up breaking her heart. She’s tired of it and she needs to get away. So they’re going to take one another’s hands and run off into the darkness with their friends.

*Carissa & Harry*

The moment Carissa and Harry met, they clicked automatically. They knew it was meant to be. She fell for his adorable curly hair, his sexy accent, and his romantic and caring side. Although it’s not true, her parents believe that he only cares about himself. They’ve tried numerous times to split the two apart, but it’s never worked. They are too much in love. The only way for them to be together is to run away. Maybe this can help her prove to her parents that they love one another.

*Angel & Dougie*

Dougie is an all around great guy. He’s romantic, cute, hilarious, and respectful and an individual. No one dares mess with Angel’s man, not even her parents. Her parents actually love him, but they think Angel isn’t good enough for HIM and that he deserves better. Great parents they are, right? But she doesn’t let their opinions bother her. All she knows is that she loves him. Dougie feels the same way and he’s ready to take her away from this terrible place.

*Nora & Liam*

Nora fell for Liam’s sense of humor and it soon led to something more. The only problem is that her parents have already set her up with someone. Regardless of the arranged boyfriend, Nora and Liam stayed together. But soon enough, the other guy found out and told he parents, who ripped her apart from him. Their lame excuse was that he was too immature and irresponsible. She wants nothing more than to be with him, so they are planning to run off with their friends like the two rebels they are.

*Mikah & Danny*

Mikah was automatically attracted to Danny’s humor and warm smile. She loves that even though he jokes around a lot, he can be serious and sweet. Her parents however do not approve of his lifestyle. They are strict when it comes to her relationships. They don’t want their baby growing up too fast. They tell her that he is a bad influence on her, but she doesn’t agree. She’s decided that if her parents can’t accept who she loves then there’s no point in living with them and sharing that part of her life with them. Danny and her are taking off to a better life, without her parents.

*Nickki & Louis*

Nickki and Louis had always connected, but they never expected to fall in love. He understands her and listens to what she has to say, unlike all of the other people in her life. However, all relationships cannot be perfect. Her parents don’t believe in interracial relationship. But both her sister and her are dating white guys. Her parents aren’t going to deal with that. Nickki is sick and tired of her family judging their relationship and the only way for them to be together is to run away.

*Charente & Harry*

Both Harry and Charente met in their church choir. They both had a love of music and it brought the two together. They dated secretly for a while, but then her parents found out. Her sister and her had the same problem, their parents were racist. She doesn’t want to be kept away from the one she loves so she’s taking off with him.

*Danielle & Tom*

Tom was always that cute, shy kid with the great personality. Danielle fell for his adorable dimples the moment she saw him. She bring outs the best in him and inspires his music every day. Danielle’s parents don’t like the fact that he is in the music industry though. They think it’ll be an unstable lifestyle for her if she gets involved. They want her to be with someone who has a much higher status and a job that supplies more. She doesn’t care how much Tom makes. All that matter is they love one another. Her parents have threatened to throw her out if she keeps seeing him, so she’s making their decision easier. She’s leaving on her own, with him.

*Ashlee & Tom*

Tom has had Ashlee in tears ever since he met her. Tears from laughing so hard! She fell for his stupid sense of humor and it led to her falling in love with him. Although she is head over heels in love, her parents want her to stay away from him. They think he’s too immature and in their words, “he’s a worthless asshole.” She’s not going to let them hold her back from being with him though. She’s come up with a plan. They’re going to run away, just to be together.


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