Klaroline {KlausxCaroline}

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A.N. So here it is one of my first drabbles. I've never posted a real story, but here it goes. If it's horrible and you wish to kill me, please kill me as softly as possible....I'm delicate.....

Also on the side is the song I was listening to when I wrote this part. It's Demons by Imagine Dragons I LOVE them sooooooooooooo much!!!!! (I have dibbs on Dan Reynolds and Joseph Morgan just so you know)


          Caroline ran toward the Mikaelson house, not caring about the dark blue and purple clouds over head threatening to burst over her at any second and destroy her dress, as fast as she could. She ran through the woods silently praying that he hadn't left yet. Taking a short break to make sure she was running in the right direction, Caroline was able to glance down at the once white hem of her dress which had now turned into a dark brown black color from the mud. Starting to run again she soon burst through the line of bushes at the end of the forest in front of the Mikaelson house. She smiled as she saw the black Lamborghini she had grown to love still parked in the driveway; what was next to it, however, didn't spark the same reaction. He already already started packing to leave her. There were several suit cases stacked on the front porch waiting to be packed in to his car. She slowed her pace as she drew closer to the house, and watched as Klaus came out with another suit case in hand. He didn't notice her at first, but when he did she watched his head perk up and turn her way.

          "What are you doing here, love? Aren't you supposed to be at the White Party?" Klaus asked in a monotone voice as Caroline drew closer

          Caroline didn't say a word, she only looked him over. He was still in a semblance of his suit from the white party. He had ditched his jacket, his once perfect bow tie now hung loosely from his neck, and his crisp white sleeves had been wrinkled and pushed up to his elbows.

          "Caroline, what are you doing here. I believe I made myself very clear at the White Party in telling you that I was leaving."

          "I don't believe what you said." Caroline spat

          "Caroline, love-"

          "Don't you 'love' me." she scoffed

         "Caroline, I meat what I said, now I'm going back to New Orleans. It's time for you to leave." Klaus said as he sauntered down the front steps as the thunder started to erupted from the sky.

         "You're not leaving until I get an answer."

         "What do you need an answer for?" he asked as he moved closer to her

         "You told me about Hayley, and I freaked out, but really who wouldn't! I'd bet money on the fact that you didn't handle so it so well the first time either-"

         "This is a question, how?" Klaus interrupted

         Caroline glared up at him and then continued on her rant. "I had to clear my head after you told me that, and I realized that you're a stubborn pain in the ass, and everyone hates you." Klaus rolled his eyes and took Caroline's brief pause as the perfect time to state his interjection.

         "Well now that you've clarified that, I have to go pack." Klaus said as he turned and walked toward the front door.

         "You can't leave yet, because I'm not done," Caroline said as she put herself between Klaus and the front steps, "I was coming to tell you this, and you kept avoiding me. So tonight when I'm finally going to tell you, you tell me that I'm a foolish child and it was only a game to you, and that broke my heart." Caroline choked out

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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