Epilogue: Long Time No See

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I watch, like I always do, seeing James lay in a familiar bed. He's much older, but he's still beautiful to me. I still love him. He still loves me. I can see it. He never met anyone else, yet he still lived his life. I could tell he wasn't fully happy, but the fact that he was breathing and at least enjoying life a little, I was at peace. I couldn't help but watch him. I watched him his whole life. I watched him cry night after night, I watched him almost give up on life countless times. I watched him cling to my side of the bed, sobbing and talking. He thought he was talking to himself, but I was there. Believe it or not, I lay in his arms listening to every word he said. I was there, even when he thought I wasn't.

It's been 20 years. Not very long, but James is ready. He is getting closer and closer to me. I feel it. I've waited for him. Just like I said I would. Now, I just wait the rest out. I'm not for sure, but I feel his time is ending. It could be weeks, or hours. I'm not sure, it's impossible to directly point out when his time will come, but it's close.Like I said, I just... feel it.

I watch James lay in his hospital bed. It's scary watching him. It's like watching you're own heart sit at the top of a cliff. James was very pale, his hair was all gone, he had an IV in his arm. It was just all too heart wrenching to watch, yet I stuck it our all these years... I can wait a few more days. Or however long it'll take. He stirs around a bit, then his eyes weakly flutter open, revealing his big brown eyes I miss so dearly. A young woman from across the room rushes to him, looking shocked and happy. Her eyes are puffy and damp, her cheeks red and damp as well. Her hair was in a messy bun, obviously hasn't been washed in a couple days. She wore what look like pajama pants and some boots with a hoodie. She looked like a mess. And I knew her all too well.

"D-D-Dad!" She choked out with tears of joy. James smiled up at her, grabbing her hand weakly. he squeezed it lightly as if to say 'I'm okay.'

James got too lonely without me, and the only choice he saw he had was to get a child. He made sure it was a girl, I always wanted a girl. He also made sure she looked just like me. With dark brown eyes, long brown hair, pale skin, I loved her. And I never even said hello to her, ever. Though James made sure she knew about me. When she saw my picture, she cried. She cried at the stories James told of me- of us. She cried at how similar we looked. She cried because she never got to see her other Daddy.

"I stayed here for you, Dad. I don't want you to go." She sobbed, holding James hand to her wet cheek. James was too weak to speak, all he could do was take his free hand and gently wipe the tears away. She leaned down to kiss him on the forehead. "I love you," she whispered, still sobbing lightly. James gave a weak smile and managed to say, "I love you too, Luna." before going back into a deep sleep.

All James does anymore is sleep. I mean, I don't blame him. If I was that weak, I'd be asleep too. I have to admit, I watch our daughter when James is asleep. Who else could I watch? She freaks out a little when James passes back out, but a nurse comes in just in time to change his water bag. The nurse simply assures her that he is okay, and he is just asleep... again. So, she lay back down on her little chair to rest, not to sleep. She couldn't sleep. Not with James like this.


James has been doing this for a while now, waking up for only a couple minutes to sleep again. Luna's been a wreck. I think she's only slept a good 8 hours for a good 2 weeks. She's started breaking down at some points. Just completely losing it. All because her whole world is falling apart around her. She's only 15, and her only father left is dying.

Occasionally, she'll talk to me. Gladly, I'll listen. My listening skills have greatly increased that past 20 years. And I've never wanted more than to scream out to her that I love her just as much.

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