Chapter 20

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Elizabeth's POV

It's been a full week since I left Danny and he won't leave me alone. He's calling me none stop, he's texting me none stop, he knocks at the door trying to get someone to answer at least four times a day. I've had to turn my phone off he's harassing me that much.

There's no food in the house or anything to drink apart from tap water and I'm running out of shampoo, conditioner and shower gel. I'd ask my parents to but they went away for a week yesterday. And I can't because he's probably waiting for me to go out.

I don't want to call Jack either but I can't call Ellie because she's sick.

I'm going to have to call Jack and ask him aren't I? Why God? Why?

Turning my phone on loads of messages and missed calls show up on my phone of Danny and a few from Jack.

Getting Jacks number up I call and wait for an answer but I don't wait for long.

"Hey is everything ok?" He asks sounding concerned.

"Hey, yeah erm, could you do me a favour?" I ask nervously.

"Of course anything for you," he says sounding chirpy.

"Thanks, could you go to the shop and get a few things for me?" I ask.

"Yeah sure just text me what you need and I'll be around in about an hour," he tells me.

"Thanks," I smile to myself and with that I hang up before sending him a list of things I need.

I miss Danny, I really do but I don't feel sad, or at least I don't think I do, I just feel angry. Angry at him for what he did to me but angry at myself for not finding out sooner for making effort and trying to keep things good, only it wasn't enough was it?


An hour and 15 minutes later I get a call and when I look it's Jack and then there's a knock at the door, I guess that's him letting me know he's here.

Getting out off bed I walk out my room and downstairs to the front door looking through the peep hole to make are it's him. And it is. Opening the door he walks I with a good few bags and I quickly shut the door.

"Thanks, how much do I owe you?" I ask him.

"Nothing, just see it as payment back for some of the money you've lent m before," he chuckles.

"No, I'll give you the money," I shake my head.

"No, you won't," he says sternly.

"Fine," I huff as we walk through into the kitchen where Jack puts the bags down on the counter.

Looking through the bags I notice some stuff I didn't ask for.

"I didn't ask for these," I say as I hold up two bottles of vodka.

"Oh I know," he smiles going in the cupboard for two glasses, "I bought it for us to have a drink I thought it'd help relax you a little," he says as he starts making the drinks.

"Jack no I don't want to, I just want to be alone," I tell him.

"Well tough," he scoffs a laugh as he hands me my drink.

And without saying anything else he walks out of the kitchen I I'm guessing into the living room because I can here the rocky theme tune.

Walking in the living room I see him sat there on the sofa just watching Rocky.

Rolling my eyes I go in the kitchen and grab the popcorn I asked for and go in the living room sitting on the other three seater couch away from Jack.

If this was any other time when I was actually with Danny I'd be really annoyed and not willing to even be on my own around Jack just for the panic of what Danny would say or do but Danny isn't around anymore so I don't even care anymore. Well I do sort of but he hurt me he really did.

I feel bad for thinking this and I know it's petty but I really want to do what he did to me to get back at him like just once would do. I want him to hurt like he hurt me.


It is now 12:30am and Jack put on some horror movie and I'm not a fan of horror movies which he knows. Only when he put it on he came and sat next to me instead of where he was and he didn't sit at the opposite side of the couch, he sat next to me.

I've had a lot to drink, like 6 big glasses of vodka and coke with ice. And I don't usually do well on vodka and coke.

Part way through the movie I realise Jack has put his arm on the back of the couch behind me and he's moved closer. He thinks I'm just scared right? I mean I'm sat here pretty much shaking, playing around with my hands and shaking my knee.

"Oh my god," I shriek covering my face with my hands as the guy who's murdering everyone is chasing after some lass with a huge axe.

Hearing Jack chuckle I'm pulled into his side and he wraps his arms around me.

Is arms move from around me and he says down pulling me down with him so I'm laid against his chest at the edge of the couch but he keeps his arms around me so I don't fall.

Horror movies are officially the worst!

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