Chapter 1

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Danny's POV

It's been an entire month and a week since Elizabeth left my apartment after we argued and all because I was stupid and didn't believe her. I called and messaged for uncountable amount of times, I've been to her house to try talk to her but every time I go her parents tell me she's not even there. She hasn't even come to college and Ellie says she's heard nothing of her. The only message I got of her was, 'I just need space,' and that was two days after she left my place.

It's been driving me crazy. I haven't slept properly every since I'm get a couple hours sleep a night if I'm lucky, I'm literally running on caffeine. I'm missing her so, so much it's crazy. I just to want to kiss her and hug her, have her in my arms and never let her go again. I still can't believe I just stood there and did nothing after she told me she loves me. I think I was in shock that she actually felt the same way back, I don't know. I just wish I could turn back time and have told her I love her too but I can't do that and I'm pissed off that I can't.

Sitting on the couch in my living room in just joggers and a top drinking a beer whilst watching the rugby match there's a light knock at my apartment door.

"Shit," I mutter to myself as I look around at all the pizza boxes, beer bottles and rubbish before putting my beer bottle down on the coffee table to the side of the couch as I stand up and walk to my apartment door.

Opening the door I stand there frozen in shock.......Elizabeth.

"Hey," she says giving me a little smile.

She's a little more tanned, making some new freckles appear and her hair is light, she told me that happens in summer and that it goes darker in the winter. She must have went abroad or something.

Then I feel something warm running down my cheeks and that's when I realise I'm crying.

Stepping forward I engulf Elizabeth into a hug and nuzzle my face into the crook of her neck as she wraps her arms around me running a hand through my hair and nuzzling her face into the crook of my neck as I cry my eyes out.

"Let's go inside yeah," she whispers as she moves her hands behind her back taking my arms from around her and taking hold of my hands looking up at me and scanning my face before giving me another little smile and walking past me and into my apartment keeping hold of one of my hands as she does and I shut the door behind us.

"This place is a mess," she says as she looks around.

"I wasn't expecting company," I tell her as I scratch the back of my head.

"We're going to tidy this place up," she tells me letting go off my hand and taking her bag of her shoulder and placing it at the side of the couch.

She walks into the kitchen and then walks out with a carrier bag and she starts to pick things up to put in the bag.

Watching her for a few seconds I then begin to help her tidy up the place.


Once everything was tidied up Elizabeth went out and put the bag in the rubbish shoot before coming back in and making us both a cup of tea.

"Here," she says sitting on the sofa next to me handing me my cup of tea as she does.

"Thanks," I give her a light smile as I take it off her, "so where have you been for the past month or so?"

"I went to Spain," she nods.

"Spain?" I raise my eyebrows, "where did you get the money for that?"

"My Dad," she tells me, "after I left yours I went straight home and packed a suitcase," she sighs looking down at her cup, "he asked what I was doing and I said I was going away for a bit and he offered to pay for my ticket to wherever I was going," she shrugs, "I wasn't planning on going abroad but when I said that my plan changed so I called the airport and got the next available flight to Spain."

"Why did you go?" I sigh placing my cup of tea on the coffee table to the side of me.

"I needed to get away," she tells me taking a drink of her tea, "you pissed me off and really upset me and I just needed to get away," she places her tea on the coffee table to the side of her, "I didn't want to face you or Jack."

"Can you not say his name," I say clenching my fists in anger.

"Sorry," she apologises, "what you said really hurt and upset me Danny," she shakes her head, "I know I booted off and had little trust when it came to the bimbo of an ex of yours but I listened to you and didn't accuse you of loads of stuff or anything, whereas I came and told you what happened with you know who and you started saying what you said."

"No I'm sorry Baby, I really am," I say moving closer to her and brushing one of my hands through her hair as my eyes scan all her face, "just please don't do something like that again," I shake my head, "I've been so scared and worried."

"Yeah and I'm sorry," she says brushing my cheek with the back of her hand, "I really hate arguing with you and that argument was horrible, I don't want us to argue like that again," she shakes her head taking my face in both of her hands.

"Stay here tonight, please," I whisper.

"I'll need to go home first and get some clothes," she sighs.

"I'll come with you," I say standing up and pulling her up with me.

"Ok," she smiles picking up her bag and putting it over her shoulder.

Putting my shoes on I pick up my keys, phone and wallet and I then take hold of Elizabeth's hand before we walk out of my apartment.

"Who knows about why you went away?" I ask her as I lock the door.

"No-one," she sighs, "it's no-one else's business apart from mine and yours," she tells me as we get in the elevator.

"So I won't get lectured by your Dad then," I chuckle softly.

"No," she giggles.

"I'm so happy you're back," I smile wrapping my arms around her waist and hugging her from behind nuzzling my face into the side of her neck.

"I am too," she smiles.

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