Chapter 6

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Danny's POV

Elizabeth looked absolutely gorgeous in the dress I bought her. When I walked in and seen her in it I was actually debating on going to the restaurant and just taking her right there and then. But no, I'm not even sure if she's ready for sex yet, if not I don't mind, I'll wait forever.

"What are you thinking about?" Elizabeth asks me taking me away from my trail of thoughts as I carry on driving.

"Nothing," I shake my head giving her a little smile.

"You were thinking about something," she scowls, "I know that face of concentration," she giggles.

"It's nothing for you to worry about," I tell her as I take hold of her hand.

"You promise?" She says giving my hand a little squeeze.

"I promise," I smile bringing her hand up to my face and kissing the roof of it.


Arriving to the restaurant I rush around to Elizabeth's side and I open the door for her and take her hand as she gets out.

Shutting the door I lock my car before then placing my arm around Elizabeth's waist and making our way into the restaurant.

"Wow it's so beautiful in here," Elizabeth whispers with a gasp.

"Not as beautiful as you though baby," I smile leaning down and kissing the top of her head.

"You're too sweet," she giggles.

"Hi, I booked a table for two," I say to the guy behind this desk as we walk over to it.

"Name please," he smiles.

"Mr Daniel Knight," I say having to tell him my full name.

"If you and your wife will please follow me," he says and me and Elizabeth just look at each other before following the waiter to our table.

We got shown to our table and when we it to it I pulled Elizabeth's chair out an as she sat I pushed it under before then taking my seat next to her.

"Can I get you both a drink?" The waiter asks.

"Bring a bottle of your best champagne please," I say to the man and with that he nods his head and walks away.

"That's going to cost a lot of money Danny," Elizabeth looks at me in worry.

"Money isn't an object," I chuckle, "plus I only want the best for my girl," I wink making her blush and look away.

"Anyway, what did you get up to whilst I was in the salon?" She scowls.

"I laid in bed and watched TV," I admit.

"That must have been so boring," she frowns.

"No," I shake my head, "it wasn't too bad, I watched an episode of Top Gear that I've never seen before," I say and she just laughs, "what?" I chuckle.

"Nothing, it's just you," she smiles, "oh, your Valentines presents," she says, "I left them back at the hotel, crap," she whisper to herself, "I was going to give them to you before we left and I totally forgot."

"Babe stop panicking," I chuckle just as the waiter comes over with our champagne and two glasses.

He places the ice bucket with champagne in it on the table and then places our champagne glasses in front of us before he opens the champagne for us and pours us a glass before placing it back in the ice bucket.

"I'll be over in five minutes to take your order," he smiles before walking away again.

"I want to ask you something," I tell Elizabeth and she starts to look nervous, "don't get nervous ok?" I chuckle.

Keeping Elizabeth (Sequel to MAMP)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें