Chapter 6

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Retching noises fill Ashton's master bathroom and Michael collapses against the rim of the shower. He hated this. He hated it all so much. His throat was always sore from sticking his fingers down it and the stomach acid that always coated his tongue.

Michael pulls himself up from the tiled floor, clinging to the sink like a life raft as his head pounds. He lifts up his shirt, examining the fat that clung to his body, cringing. He sighs, pushing his fringe from his forehead and washes out his mouth before grabbing his jacket and heading out. Ashton had left for work an hour before and Michael was tired of being home alone.

He feels his phone buzz in his pocket and he raises an eyebrow before looking at the caller ID. As soon as he sees Shawn's name flash across the screen, his eyes widen and he hesitantly picks up. "Hello?" He whispers.

"Michael, where the hell are you? It's been four days,"

"I-I thought you wanted me gone," Michael whimpers, staring down at his shoes.

He hears Shawn sigh on the other line and he says, "Just come home or I swear to God--"

"Okay," Michael murmurs. "I'll be home soon," He hangs up the phone before Shawn has a chance to respond and quickly dials the first person who came to mind.

"Michael, hey," Luke greets and a sad smile flits across Michael's broken features.

"Luke, I-- Do you want to maybe hang out or something? I just-- I need to get away for a while,"

A moment of silence washes over them and for a moment, Michael regrets asking. "Sure. Come over to mine, yeah?"

Michael quickly agrees and finds his way to Luke's which wasn't far from Ashton's place. Upon getting there, he timidly knocks on the door and as soon as the blonde answers, he smiles shyly. Once Luke ushers the smaller boy inside, they sit on the couch and talk aimlessly for what seems like hours. "So how're things with you and Shawn? Have you made up?"

Michael shrugs his shoulders, staring down at his small hands and says, "I'm going back to his today," Luke eyes him as if waiting him to continue but the ashy blonde keeps his mouth shut instead. "So what's new with you?" He murmurs, green eyes meeting a gentle blue.

"Nothing really. Sasha and my six month anniversary is coming up soon," Luke says with a soft smile and Michael mimics one as well.

"That's great," Michael replies, words hollow and lifeless. The two both knew his words weren't sincere but Luke plays along anyway.

"Do you want something to eat? I just went shopping the other day,"

Michael shakes his head almost instantly, forcing a smile. "No thanks,"

Luke frowns with a raised eyebrow and says, "Are you sure? You look like you've been losing weight," Michael's body goes ridged but a grin flushes his face.

"Good," He murmurs and could feel Luke's concerned gaze on his dwindling frame.

"Why do you think you have to lose weight, Michael?" He frowns and the smaller boy shakes his head slowly.

"Because no one will ever love a fat fuck like me," He mutters and watches as Luke's eyes widen.

"Who told you that?"

"It doesn't matter,"

Luke pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated and painted in worry. "Michael, please. I can't help you unless you tell me,"

"Shawn," Michael murmurs after a few moments of silence.

"Your boyfriend?" Michael nods his head, looking ashamed and fights back tears. "And is he the one who gave you those bruises? Does he hit you?"

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