Chapter 3

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Trigger warning

Michael began growing used to sneaking out of the house. Now, he was sitting in his best friend's living room on the couch, arms behind his head and a sloppy grin on his face. His favorite show was playing quietly on the TV and his bruise was healing. Today had been a good day.

He had swapped numbers with Luke the night before and the two seemed to talk all night, having an instant connection which had surprised the lot of them.

Ashton was yet to know about Luke and when the curly haired boy comes strolling in with a bag of popcorn, Michael figures it was the perfect time. "So I've been talking to this boy..." He starts, his voice edging close to a mutter and Ashton quirks an eyebrow to the sky.

"And what's Shawn think of that?"

"He uh, he doesnt know," Michael looks down at his hands then and tries to ignore Ashton's pitied gaze. The older boy knew what Shawn does to him and would often try to convince Michael to stay at his most days but the boy almost never budged. When Michael looks up at his best friend, he finds his hazel eyes dull with worry. "But it'll be okay."

"Will it?"

Michael shrugs his shoulders, averting his eyes and says, "I hope so," He subconsciously touches his bruises and Ashton frowns. Deep down, both of them knew Shawn wouldn't be okay with it in any shape or form.

"Stay over tonight," Ashton suggests and Michael shakes his head.

"I can't," He says. "I should be getting home anyway," Ashton watches him get up and tug on his coat. He had half a mind to latch onto the boy's wrist and never let him leave but the two of them knew it wouldn't work.

"Just stay safe," Michael nods, pulling him into a hug before heading out the door.


"Where were you?" Michael cringes as he walks into the house, finding Shawn at the stairs, much as he had been the last time Michael had been punished.

"At Ashton's," He whispers, not bothering to look up.

Shawn shakes his head with disapproval, clearly not pleased with his answer. "And why wasn't I informed?"

"I dunno. It was just a last minute thing."

Shawn quirks up an eyebrow, unconvinced and Michael flinches when he brings a hand up to his cheek. "I'm not sure if I believe you, Michael," He hisses. "You're probably cheating on me with him, aren't you?"

"N-No," Michael replies, visibly shaking. "Ashton has a girlfriend and I would never cheat on you,"

Shawn nods with a shit eating grin. "You're right, you wouldn't cheat because no one else wants you but me. No one will ever love a fat fuck like you. Now get upstairs. I don't even want to look at you. And don't expect dinner either. Trash like you don't deserve to eat."

Michael whimpers, nodding slowly with a trembling lip and goes upstairs to their room, shutting the door. He collapses against it in tears, fighting back sobs as he rests his head in his hands, sorrow dampening his palms. He contemplates calling Luke, knowing the boy would be able to calm him down but decides against it, not wanting to bother him.

He heads toward the full length mirror and takes off his shirt and pants, admiring his body and cringing, poking at the fat on his tummy and thighs with a grimace. Shawn was right, he was disgusting. More tears streak down his face, small hands trembling as he brushes them away.

Michael walks to the bathroom, careful not to alert his boyfriend and when he gets there, he shuts the door gently and kneels in front of the toilet. He takes a final deep breath before bending over and sticking a finger down his throat. He gags at first and adds another finger before finally getting sick. The coughing and gagging noises are loud and seem to echo off the bathroom walls, causing Michael to cringe but does this a few more times until his stomach is empty and he has tears running down his face.

He lays back against the wall, stomach acid coating his teeth and tongue and sobs until he falls asleep.


So this chapter was really intense and I'm sorry for that. I'll try not to make them all this way. I hope you enjoyed nonetheless.

-Landen xx

Word count: 744

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