Chapter 6: The Last Auction Prize of the Night...

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Christian walked back inside a few minutes after Sofia had left him to ponder her words. He found it sweet that she would try to give him advice over a matter she had no clue about.

Looking around he spots her speaking to Sara, he thinks her name was. They were both laughing and he couldn't help but smile also. She had a beautiful smile.

"If everyone can please find your seats. Dinner will be served now." the DJ announced.

Still staring at her he didn't notice someone standing next to him. "You know, if you take a picture of her, it would last longer. But then again I didn't take you for a stalker, Christian."

Sighing he glanced over at her. "Veronica. Don't you have someone else to annoy? I hear Lucifer is around here somewhere." looking around.

"Oh, I already saw him. Plus, it's so much fun annoying you than him. He enjoys it while you...just gets irritated." she tells him shrugging a shoulder.

"Of course he would." muttering under his breathe.

"So, I take it Ms. Martinez caught your eye? Or is it your little friend that spotted her first." looking down at his crotch.

"You from all women should know it isn't little." smirking at her.

She didn't respond. "Anyways Christian. A word of advice?"

"I'm sure if I said no, you would still give it?"

Cocking her eyebrow. "Stay away from her."

"...and of course there it is." shaking his head. "Why is that Veronica."

"Must you ask Christian? Sofia is out of your comfort zone. She's nice, funny, sweet, thoughtful and a romantic. Everything you aren't and everything you repel."

Furrowing his eyebrows at his ex. "And here I thought you were jealous that I was interested in another woman." 

"Me, jealous? Ha, didn't know you can joke."

"I figured since you and I didn't work out, you might still be bitter. Now here I am looking at another woman in your presence..."

"Don't flatter yourself Chris. I was over you an hour after you ended things. I was surprised we lasted as long."

"You wound me Veronica." placing his hand over his heart.

"You'd need a heart to be wounded." 

Christian glared at her then glanced around the room searching for Sofia. He had enough wasting his time with his ex.

"I'm serious Christian. Sofia isn't like the gold diggers and one night stands you are used too...and knowing you, you will chase her only to use her then toss her aside like a bad business deal."

"You think that little of me?"

"I don't think, I know from personal experience...spare her the heart break Christian and set your sights on another self absorbed starving looking model or hedge fund daughter you like to attract." turning around Veronica heads to her table leaving Christian to glare at her.


Half way through dessert Sara went on stage speaking into the microphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen. I really hope everyone enjoyed your dinner and now your desserts. We are now going to start our auction so make sure you have your ticket stubs and see what you win."

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