Chapter 2: Sofia Martinez...

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"Ms. Martinez? Can you come here for a minute? I need to show you the set up..." Sara my assistant asked as I was going over the seating chart for tonight's Auction. It was my first one since I took over the position a few months ago and I was nervous.

Looking up at her I nodded and smiled "Sure Sara." then walked over to where she was.

She was standing in front of the tables where we had the Silent Auction giveaways displayed. I must say that there were good ones. From a round of golf with a professional golfer, tickets to a Broadway show, dinner with the Mayor and my favorite one...a Trip for two to Bora dream vacation! The list went on and on.

"Sara, how many times have I told you to call me Sofia? At least when we are not in a Business setting?!" I ask looking at her.

"Sorry Sofia. I guess I am just used to it. Anyways, I called you over so you could see the displays and to make sure they were alright where they are." she asked as she looked at the prizes.

I surveyed the tables and everything looked fine. "Perfect Sara!" I exclaimed then turned around to view the ball room where we would be having the event tonight. "Everything looks perfect!" 

She nodded her head and continued what she was doing while I went over to talk to my other workers who were setting up last minute details.

Walking over to some of them I see Matteo smiling at me. He is one of the Social Workers that works with our Center and volunteers when he can. He really has a big heart for the kids and I love watching him interact with them.

"There you are Boss Lady! Was wondering were you had gotten too." he says while giving me his genuine smile which is contagious. He is a very handsome man and I know most of the ladies here have a crush on him. I've only known him for a few months and let's just say that he is the ideal man...who has a girlfriend of three years. Sorry ladies...!

"Matteo! How many times have I told you? I am not your Boss!" I giggle and he just laughs.

"I know, I know...can't help it. You are in charge after all.

"I suppose. So I take it that everything is set for tonight?" I ask glancing at the group in front of me.

They all nod their heads and Marissa starts to speak "Yes all is set. You have nothing to worry about."

"It's easier said than done Marissa. This is my first Fundraiser and I need to make sure everything goes well and I make a good impression for our Board of Directors. We need to make sure the Center is well funded...our kids are depending on it. I don't know what will happen if I mess things up..." I say and then feel an arm swing around my shoulder.

" are doing an awesome job so far! For the short amount of time that you have been here you have changed things for the better of the Center. We can all see how much work and dedication you put to the kids and to everyone who works for you. I know I am not speaking only for myself but we all adore you and are very fortunate that you chose to take over as the new Director. S...NO WORRIES! We are here for you...we got your back girl!!" Matteo says excitedly tightening his grip around my shoulder.

I heard humming and yeahs from them and it made me feel confident in myself. This group of people who I can call my friends now had welcomed me in and have helped me transition to this position which I truly love.

I took over the Center six months prior replacing Mrs. Williams. She was stern and set in her ways and a lot of people were intimidated by her. She sent out the "I'm better than you" vibe usually making people feel insignificant around her. She made me feel the same way but I had to brush it off and endure her demeanor since she was the one training me. She sought respect and being married to a Congress Man, she DEMANDED IT!

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