Somewhere I belong

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I don't know if anyone has noticed, but the title of the chapters are Song titles that I think of as I write the chapters or that I listen to while posting it.

Somewhere I Belong- Linkin Park

I already have Chapter 4 written and formatted, but i am going to wait until next week to post it. After I post this I am going to get started on chapter 5.


Maya didn't leave the Castle in days, no matter how many times Oliver and Thea had offered to Visit the Club or to go out and eat.

Her name had been all over the news. People dying to catch a glimpse of the new Queen in the family.

With her time in the Mansion she got a chance to look around. It was definitely a home of fortune. Paintings hung everywhere. Famous and non-famous mingled in the same rooms and down the halls.

Oliver, who wasn't very good at it, set up the computer monitors in her room with the talking through of a friend.

Back when she was still with the men, sirs, they let her on the computers, with guidance of course. And she watched TV. It was almost like a real home. If you ignore all the invading properties and abuse that it brought.

The first thing she did with her computer freedom was, strangely enough, look herself up. Curious at the little to none information that the public had of her. Simple pictures of when she was leaving the hospital, purple cast and all, and an article when she had first gone missing, with no suspects.

Maya was oddly good with electronics. As a child, she would take the broken kitchen appliances and fix them, good as new, or simply better. It was something that she could do with her hands to distract herself from pain and fright of the 3 men. On of the things she could say she was proud of.

She had become close with Thea.

The older girl was home more often than Moira or Oliver. She was a kind person, one who had patience with Maya, who sometimes didn't understand why she didn't talk, but doesn't penalize her for it.

If Thea was home you could bet that Maya wasn't too far from her. She loved to talk to her sister, and even though she didn't reply Thea felt touched at their closeness.

While (Partially) trusting Oliver, she was slightly afraid of him. A raised hand never ceased to make her flinch or a lough voice.

Tommy, who really was around often, yelled a lot. Let it be Football or a scary movie, the man was yelling at the TV. At first Maya would jump, flinch, or in a bad case, cower, but after a while she got used to it.

She really did start to feel like Thea and Oliver were her siblings, even Tommy, who was like a brother to Thea and Oliver, treated her like a little sister.

The man was too cheerful to be in a wheel chair.

Maya often forgot about it, at least until Tommy rolled him self around in it. It was almost as if he enjoyed it. He was often found doing tricks in it. Rocking back and forth on the two big wheels or spinning around rapidly. Maya was seriously afraid he was going to fall out of the chair one day.

It never failed for one of the 3 or all of them to ask if she wanted to go see the club or to take a trip down to big belly burger. She always turned it down, but at one point or another she had to leave the Castle.

It all led up to this point, where Maya, dressed in nearly all black(With a splash of color, Ovs...), sat in the back of Oliver's car, Thea next to her, Oliver driving, Tommy in the passenger, and Wheel Chair in the trunk.

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