Down to Nothing

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So like I said in the Summary I have never Written an Arrow story.
I apologize for the crappy formatting. Never been very good at that before.
I have no idea if anyone will be interested in this, so please let me know in the comments and give a vote!

As children we long for our parents. Whenever we fall down as scratch our knees up, or when one of the kids at school picks on you. You come home tears in your eyes, wanting a hug from your mum or dad. The warmth wrapping around you, feeling content with your life.

But of course not everyone can understand that feeling. No parents to come home to. They wouldn't understand that moment when you argue with your mum or dad, and stomp angrily down the hall to your room to slam the door. And when you feel that you really messed up that time they call you for dinner, and time resets. But some wouldn't understand. They wouldn't understand. SHE wouldn't understand.

15 year old Maya didn't understand. She didn't have the sometimes overbearing parents to worry about invading her privacy. Her parents weren't dead, at least to her knowledge. They didn't give her up for adoption. Or simply abandon her. Maya was taken. Taken from her mum. Barely even a day old.

Life sucked. The men who took her treated her like she was forced upon them. She was to call them "Sir". Nothing else.

She wasn't allowed to say anything else. Only if she was incredibly daring would she become snarky, but that was dooming her for a night out side. Time seemed to stand still in the cold. What was hours seemed like days, and dragged on and on. And just when she thought it was the end the door would open and allow her to numbly climb to her feet, and stumble into the 'house', hair and clothes sopping wet from the harsh rain.

Maya knew better than to try and run away. She did at one point. As expected a 10 year old could only get so far before collapsing, exhaustion finally getting back to her. Sir would find her and drag her back for a night of hell. Beating after beating. No food for days after.

They taught her to fight. Always enjoying the deals they made. If she were able to knock out one of the men, then she was free. She was allowed to leave, no strings attached. She never made it. She would wake up the next day, body in pain. Bruised, abused skin. Bones broken. She was broken.

The next time the fight came around was different. She just stood there. Taking the beating, the men didn't care that she wasn't fighting back. They enjoyed the motions of it. Knocking her to the ground, kicking her until she was black and blue. Screaming, yelling, praying. Until the world went dark. And it was all over.

Not Yet.

Everything was white. White and warm. People always describe waking up, not remembering the day before, until it all came flooding back. Not Maya. The men in black, storming her 'House' yelling and screaming. She was saved. Finally. A window to the side overlooked a city. Beautiful. City lights twinkling in the night, Cars zooming around on the streets in a flash.

She began to zone in and out sleep. Slowly but surely the sun rose and the city looked just as magnificent in the early morning light as it did with the blanket of darkness laid over it.

It was quiet, just until a nurse peaked into the room. Mayas eyes went straight to the sheets of her bed. Fumbling between her fingers, not too hindered by the purple cast fastened on her arm.

"Oh ms. Queen! You're awake."

Confusion to the name didn't show up on her face until the brunette in the blue scrubs bounced out of the room to inform the others.

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