New Character - Splendorman

Start from the beginning

Splendor saw this and sat you down, taking a step back and holding his hands out for you to see. "I will not hurt you, child" he said, his voice low and almost comforting. You swallowed and nodded your head, looking at your younger sibling who nodded their head as if to agree with what he said. Then you realized something as your face flushed in embarrassment and agitation.

"I'm not a child, I'm a grown woman who's in college!" you snapped. "The name's [Your Name], so use it" you said with a huff as you crossed your arms across your chest. Splendor chuckled as he gave a playful bow.

"I apologize, my name is Splendorman. But you may call me Splendor, dear" he said, causing you to blush a little and giggle.

When You Become Best Friends:
It wasn't hard for you and Splendor to become best friends. After a month of hanging out and you were inseparable from the tall monster. Well he wasn't really a monster considering how sweet and childish he was. You and him talked about everything, the one thing you learned is that he had three older brothers. One that you had already known about.

You both sat outside with your younger sibling, yours and your [Brother/Sister]'s parents away at work. There was a table and chairs set up all that were too small for you and Splendor. It was an imaginary tea party that your little sibling was throwing. Usually you liked to stay indoors and mess around with the internet until your eyes started to hurt from staring at the screen for hours. But, you found it fun to be out here with the two and play this little imaginary game.

When He Ask You to Be His Girlfriend:
Three months and already you were crushing hard on your best friend. You little sibling continued to poke at your side, asking why you weren't coming to join them and Splendor for your guys' daily tea party. You didn't respond, not wanting to see your crush at the moment. You listened as your [Brother/Sister] sighed and walked out of your room. Relaxing once you heard your bedroom door shut, you thought they had finally given up and left.

You almost screamed when your door was thrown open once again. "She won't come out and play, you talk to her" you heard your sibling say before footsteps could be heard as someone enter your room and closed the door. You knew who it was, so you kept your face buried in your pillow.

"[Your Name]" you heard Splendor's gentle voice say as he rested a hand on your back while sitting down on your bed. You only hummed to show that you were listened. "What's wrong, dear?" he asked, causing your face to heat up. You hated how he used that word because he used it in a friendly manner instead of a romantic way. You shook your head as a way to tell him you wouldn't answer. "[Your Name], look at me" you heard him say as he patted you back.

You hesitated but did as he said as you turned your head to look at him. "What's wrong?" he asked, giving you a gentle smile. You blushed as you looked anywhere but his face.

"I like someone and I don't know if they like me back" you said quietly. You listened as he hummed and stroke his chin in thought.

"Who is this person you like? Are they from your college?" Splendor asked, sounding a bit...sad. You shook your head as you bit your bottom lip and moved to sit up. Keeping your head down, you crossed your arms over your chest and mumbled. "What was that?" Splendor asked.

"I like you" you said a bit louder. It was quiet for a minute before arms engulf you in a hug.

"I like you too!" Splendor exclaimed happily as he pulled back and squeezed your shoulders. "Will you be my girlfriend, dear? I believe that's what you humans call it" he said. You blushed a little and chuckled as you nodded your head. Which caused you to end up in another hug.

Your First Date:
Your first date wasn't at a restaurant or at a movie theater. It was in your room in a makeshift fort made up of pillows, chairs, and blankets. It was relaxing to just lay there together and talk to one another.

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