Weird. (Kylo Ren/General Hux)

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Was it just you, or had there been more tension, or more than usual, between Hux and Ren? You shrugged it off, thinking it was just another one of their little hissy fits they had with each other.

But, as the long days passed, the tension only grew. Even weirder, Hux had been really nice to you lately. He was always nice to you, but this almost seemed like... More than a friend nice.

The same with Ren. He was sickeningly kind to you. It was very out of character for a man of his nature. It was slightly creepy the way he'd follow you around, and almost growled at Hux whenever he saw you with him.

One day, you were just casually checking the weapons systems, when Hux just randomly asked you to accompany him to dinner tonight. Of course, you weren't going to refuse a commanding officer.

As soon as the words, "Of course!" Escaped your lips, Hux's coffee was "accidentally" spilt all over himself. You knew exactly who that was...

A bit later, after your shift was over, you were walking back to your room when you overheard voices from Hux's office.

"I can't believe you did that!"

"If you like her so much, then why don't you ever make a move on her?"

A huff was heard, before the person continued.

"I've made plenty of moves."

"Then she just like me better, I suppose."

A few crashes, then the door slid open. You barely had time to turn and walk in the other direction before Kylo saw you.

You got to your room and say on the bed. Kylo likes you? That didn't seem right... You were just going to assume the other man in the room was Hux. Honestly, you had no clue either of them liked you more than a friend.

You knew you had to choose one, but who? They both had they're strong points. God, this was going to be hard...

A/N: Haha, that's all you get! Ok, I wanted Reader-chan to decide who they wanted to be with, so I left it off there. More on the way! May the force be with you, Loves!
– Maya

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