What i would say

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Dear you know who,
I wish that we were still friends, and i wish I never fell for you, and I wish that you weren't so damn manipulative. You broke me into a million pieces. You toyed with me and shattered me, that will never be fixed. I loved you so much, and I still do. How is it that you still play me like a puppet. How is it that every second of every day you are on my mind. You left me standing in the dark, you haven't turned the lights back on. I still want you and feel like I need you. When will I stop caring about you. I hope you know that you destroyed me. I told you everything, FRIKIN everything. You were my best friend. I miss you a ton, but I know that everything I feel, your black sol could never feel. I wonder if your chest ever aches at the sound of my name the same way mine does whenever I hear yours. I loved you, went through hell for you, I did anything for you, I broke down because of you. So now here I am lying and beaten on the floor, what do you have to say for yourself?

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