Chapter 5*

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I decided on going to the park to clear my head.

I told Chase that I was going out. I grabbed my purse and keys and begin walking.

I arrived at the park shortly taking a seat on the park bench.

Looking at the people running, couples being together, families, kids playing, I got to thinking about how I never really got to enjoy my childhood.

With my mom becoming sick then dying, I just was never a normal kid I guess you could say. I would stay in the house and read or just stay in my room.

In between my thoughts I was interrupted. "Excuse me? Is this seat taking?"

When I looked it was a young man about my age, perfect smile, "No," I said.

He sat down. He was all sweaty. I'm guessing he was running as well.

"You come here often?" He said taking his earbuds out.

"What to the park?"

"Yeah," he smiled like he was amused and I was totally confused, mostly strangers don't have a conversation with another person or at least I don't. I stay to myself like any normal person would. Then again I don't really consider myself like everyone else.

"First time, and why are you smiling?" I gave him a weird facial expression.

"Because you don't," He said sure of his answer.

"You don't know me." I say defensively.

"I don't have to, plus a smile will makes somebody's day better."

He chuckled, "Hi my name is Arthur, I didn't catch yours." He said with his hand out.

"Essence." I took his hand in mine and shook it.

"Nice to meet you."

"Same. So like do you live here or visiting and how old are you I don't wanna be like talking to some creep."

I momentarily curse myself out and slapped myself in the face in my head for even telling him my name.

"Living here, well technically I was born in New York but then we moved to Louisiana started playing ball and by ball I mean football, then we moved back after my injury."

"What happened?"

"No offense but um... can we change the subject?"

"Sure, I'm so sorry for being nosey." I scratch the back of my neck nervously.

"You live here?" He asked.

"Yeah but I wasn't born here."

"Where are you from then?"


He checked his watch. "My ten minutes are up, gotta get back to running." He got up and turned around, "oh and I start school on Monday so no I am not a creep."

I chuckled. "Good to know."

"See you around." He said running away.

"See you around." I said but only myself could hear.

Maybe this move wasn't so bad after all. Or so I think.

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