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"Mrs. Kisaragi, I am sad to say that your daughter failed all of her classes." Tateyama-sensei told my mother.

It's not my fault that I'm not smart, is it? My onii-chan's smart.. why am I not smart? *^*

"This has been happening for how many years now! Momo..." Mom sighed as she looked at me. She looked back at Tateyama-sensei and asked, "Is there anything we can do about this?!"

I'm sorry, mom. My brain just have no wrinkles at all. ;-;

"Well, this decision is definitely not good for the school but, it is our students' future that is more important." Tateyama-sensei looked me in the eye and continued "We suggest that.."

"Senpai?" I heard someone call me as I was about to exit through the gates.

I looked back at the student and asked him, "It's the end of the school year. Why are you still here? Your friends are probably having fun right now!" I ended it with a smile so as not to make him feel bad.

"The thing is, I waited for you." He looked straight at me.

Omg. Is this a confession?! *o*

I stood up straight and replied, "So what do you need?"

I was preparing myself for the confession. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

"Is it true..." He paused for a few seconds.

Omg. Is dating a kouhai bad for my image? 'Cause shouldn't it be the other way around?! A male senpai can date a female kouhai!

"That you're going to transfer schools?" He said quite loudly and rapid for he seems to notice that I was a bit bothered.

"..." Where did he hear that rumor? "Yes." I looked at the ground after I gave my reply.

"Thanks for telling me, senpai." He bowed in front of me and raised his head after a few seconds "Good luck on your new school." He smiled and left.

"Ah..." I looked at him as he left through the gates. The smile he had was kinda sad.

To be honest, I didn't even know him.

There are just too many kouhais in the world! >.<

He was the only one concerned about me, though.

"Hmm," I raised my hands and stretched my way to the gate. "Thanks, kouhai."

I might as well enjoy the last day of my old school.


My Classmate was once My KouhaiWhere stories live. Discover now