"Who was that girl?"

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Work started at 7:30am. It's 8:47am and I'm still sitting in my car, in the parking lot of my building, drowning in my thoughts. Why did he kiss me? Not that I didn't enjoy it but now how am I gonna get over him? A couple people walked past my car and gave me strange looks and awkward waves.

I realized how stupid I probably looked. I huffed and took off my seat belt . I stepped out my car and locked the doors.


Finally sitting down in my office, there was already several messages on sticky notes on my desk and a knock at my door. "Come in"I said. The door opened revealing Jason. "Oh Jason your my assistant, you don't have to knock." I informed him. "-oh okay well thanks." He said.

I nodded,logging into my laptop. Jason cleared his throat and started speaking. "You have several messages as you probably already saw..And a local company is requesting a partner ship. They left a message also." He sounded so professional.

" really?" I raised my eyebrows. No companies usually want to partner up with mine, seeing as I'm so young, they usually back out when they are informed of my age. " Have you informed them off my age and business founding date?" I asked. He nodded frantically. "Oh...uhm okay" I said sitting up higher.

"Hand me the info I will look at it later." I smiled. He smiled back and gave me the folder.

He sat down in front of my desk. I opened the folder and read over the company. "Johnson company , haha like the cleaning supplies company" I joked at the name.

Jason stiffed a fake laugh and scratched his chin. He looked around the room avoiding my eyes. "What's wrong Jase?" I asked. He looked back at me. "Oh nothing" he said dismissively.


I spent most of the day answering calls from companies and signing papers. It wasn't as tiring as I expected. It was actually pretty relaxing. Jason got his woke done is his personal office while I got my work done. I just played some The Weeknd in my office and got my papers done.

This company is pretty hard to run. But my momma always told me Hard work pays off. And man was she right. Of course I couldn't get Jason off my mind today. Every Time I had to postpone something , I had to give someone my assistants number in case they didn't reach me. So I was constantly being reminded of Jason.

I wonder how's he's doing right now. I clicked pause on my music and walked over to Jason office, across the hall.

"Knock knock" I said slowly opening the door. He smiled at me. He was typing on his laptop, his camera sitting on the desk next to him. "Hey Jamaica what's up?" He stopped typing. "Just thought I'd check on you. And actually my breaks in a little bit, would you like to come with me to lunch?" I asked bravely.

"Damn my....friend already asked me. I'm sorry." He said slowly. Something made me want to not believe him so for once I let my feelings out instead of keeping them in.

"Is this because of the kiss?" I dropped my hands to my sides. "What because of the kiss?" He asked, a little too calm. "You're being distant and....quiet" I told him. " you're usually more..I don't know......active."

He chuckled dryly. "Oh I'm active alright" he smirked folding his arms behind his head leaning back in his chair.

"You're a pig" I scoffed folding my arms. He laughed at my reaction and stood up. " so... You think I'm acting different because we kissed?" He asked coming closer to me. "Yes" I said taking a step back.

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