You Look Like A....

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Gabrielle's p.o.v

I walked into the doctors office today with a slightly happy attitude. Despite the fact I'm going to dialysis, I've decided to make this day a good one.

I took a seat in my usual chair just as the nurse walked in. After she hooked me up and did what she needed to do I looked at the man who sat across from me. He was a slightly older man. One of those mean ones who seemed to hate everything and everyone. But maybe he'll be okay with me.

I cleared my throat loudly gaining his attention. Once he looked up from his phone at me I met him with a smile as I held my hand out.

"Hi. I'm Gabrielle." I state as he finally took my hand into his.

"Names Dick." He stated with no emotion in his voice. I smiled and nodded as I took my hand back.

"Nice to meet you Dick." I state still smiling.

"Uh huh." He replied looking down at his phone.

I tapped my purse and shook my leg as I looked over at him with a slight smile on my face.

"I've seen you around here a lot." I state trying to make conversation.

"Yeah?" He shrugs carelessly.

"Yeah... You know I thought, since we both have to sit here all day doing nothing maybe we could play a game or something." I state pulling some UNO cards out of my bag.

He looked up at me as if I were stupid. He rolled his eyes before setting his phone down.

"Listen kid, I know you think that being  all nice and happy is gonna get you a friend and what not... But it's not. I don't wanna play any games. I don't want to braid hair and talk about which basketball players are cute. I don't want to tell you my life story. I especially don't wanna hear yours. And I don't want to be your friend. I just wanna sit here and play bingo on my phone and wait for this to be over." He stated annoyed.

I sighed and bit the inside of my cheek. This is a very bitter old man.

All I was trying to do was be nice. I mean everyone likes a little kindness here and there. But this guy is just an anti-social ass hole.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask looking up at him.

He sighed loudly being sure to make sure I knew I was on his nerve.

"You know how when you first meet  people and they say things like, 'You really do look like Gabrielle.' Well you sir..." I stated but he cut me off already knowing what I was going to say.

"I got it." He stated glaring at me. I just shrugged and looked at my magazine.

He is a dick.

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