Is he blushing?

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I woke myself back up when the dream got too gore for me. I shot my eyes opened and sat up on the bed. Then I found myself in a different room. I knew this cause Akashi's was red, but this room was golden yellow. Maybe somebody must have moved me while I was asleep. However, the bed is a little warmer, now. I looked out into the window to see the sun, well, I really couldn't outside cause the window was covered with a golden curtains.

Weird. I stretched out my hands and heard a yawn from next to me. I froze and turned to my right....It Was..Kise! Thank explains why the bedroom was golden, but....why am I here? Kise must have brought me to apologize. I looked over and saw the blonde sleeping like a little cute baby. Awww! I started at him for almost five minutes until a sound caught my attention.

"Germany! Germany! Germany!" It was the ringtone I had on my phone. It was Italy calling Germany from Hetalia. I quickly followed the sound so it wouldn't wake up Kise. "Where is it?" I asked myself. Then I found it under Kise's pillow where the blonde slepted. The ringtone seemed to stop, but I highly doubt the caller will stop calling.

I carefully, slowly moved my hand under the pillow, not causing Kise to wake up. As soon as I found a phone-like figure under my fingers. I moved slowly again out to use my phone. "Good Grief!" I sighed as I tip-toed to the corner and the phone went off again. "Germany! Germany! Germany!" Italy ringtone ranged.

Without hesitation, I answered the phone, but I had to talk quietly. Otherwise, might bring some unwanted attention. I looked over to check on Kise, he's still sleeping, good.


"Hello? (Name)?" Kou's voice said.

"Kou! Thank goodness, you called!" I sighed in relief

"Where are you? Are you okay?" Kou asked

"I'm fine and I can't tell you."

"What do you mean you can't tell me?"

"I don't know where I am." I lied.

"Duh, of course. Listen, Kagami tried to call you but you wouldn't answer." Kou said

"I know, mystery phone was dead. Now I have about 78% battery." I checked

"Well, this is good. I'll tell Kagami that you're alright and......"

"No! Don't tell him. Anything really." I blurted out.

"Why? What's wrong?" Kou asked.

"I don't want to see him. He abandoned me after my birthday and I had to survive out in the woods for 37 hours!"

"Oh, well, for you I won't tell him. I can't believe that.......Kagami!....Wait....!"

Kou voice was interrupted by a loud and obnoxious voice. Kagami. "(Name)! Are you okay? Where are you? What have you been doing? Answer me!" Kagami asked a series of questions. His voice was so loud that I had to move away from the phone.

"Away, Kagami. Let me talk to Kou." I commanded.

"No, look I'm sorry, (Name) please come back!" Kagami begged.

"No! I'm so sick of you!" I fussed.

Suddenly a hand reached out and snatched the phone from my hand. It was Kise who must have woke up from Kagami's loud voice. "Oi, quiet down. Your such a pest." Kise talks to Kagami. "You! Where do you have my (Name)?" Kagami asked. "Actually, she's ours now." Kise corrected. "Ours? I swear when I find you, I will....." Kise hunged up on Kagami and turned his attention back to me.

"Good Morning, (Name)-cchi." Kise smiled, "sorry for that Bakami disturbing you." "Oh no, it's okay. I wasn't your fault." I said, "I answered because I didn't want to wake you." "Wake me?" Kise repeated. "Yea, you looked so peaceful sleeping." I told him, "like a cute baby." Kise looked at me and smirked. "Really?" He stood up and walked over to me.

There was a very seductive but scary look in his eyes that caused me to take a little step back. Kise went up to me and touch the pinkish fading ring around my neck from last night. "Huh, I'm sorry. You poor thing." He softly apologized. "It's okay. I'm the one who...." I paused when he leaned over to my neck and I whispered in my ear.

"You're so delicious." He whispered as he touch my neck with his lips softly. "K-Kise." I reacted. "Ha, call me Ryota. It's cute when you say it." Kise requested as he repeatedly suck on my neck making me moan. "Sooner or later, you be with us. One of us." Kise said. "One of you?" I repeated. "Yes. Then since you know the out side world you can lure in more men." Kise said.

Lure in men? What is he talking about? The fact that he's on my neck saying these things are scaring me. I started to gently push Kise away but he grabbed on to my hand and placed the other on my face and he licked more on my neck. "Close your eyes." Kise quietly blurted. Close my eyes? Now this is getting to scary. "Ryota, what are..." I was interrupted by someone's warning tone.

"Akashi will be displeased, Kise." Kise stopped and turned around to find Midorima standing right behind looking mean as usual. Kise released me and smiled at Midorima like he did nothing. "Aw Midorima-cchi, you want some to?" Kise asked. Midorima growled under his breath making the blonde scared and hid behind me. "Sorry. Sorry." He apologized.

"Anyway, Akashi asked for your presence (Name)." Midorima sighed. I slowly walked over to him, ready to see Akashi. Hopefully it's not that bad. "See ya, (Name)-cchi." Kise waved. "I'll be back, Ryota." I smiled. Midorima lead the way to Akashi's office which was kinda a long way. Midorima said nothing like he was mad at me. I guess it wouldn't kill me to get to know him.

"So, Midorima. Um..How did you get here?" I asked. "What do you mean? Reword that, nanodayo." Midorima corrected. "Sorry, I mean how did you end up living with everyone?" I rephrased the question.  "Akashi and I were very close. So I was the second to arrive." Midorima explained, "Third was Aomine, fourth: Murasakibara, fifth: Kuroko, then Kise was the last."

I couldn't help myself, but to ask more questions. Maybe the answers might be useful for the future. "How did you get along with everyone?" I asked.

"As a group or individually?"


Midorima took a little to think about that. I understand what it felt like having to get along with everyone in the household. I once had three older brothers and 2 older sisters, meaning I was the youngest.

"Well, Akashi I can deal with fine, sometimes he's a little complex at times. Aomine: Is like one of those messy, perverted children, but I can deal with him. "Midorima started, "Kise: I had no trouble at all. Murasakibara: just needs to put down the snacks sometimes and I have to tell him that. And of course he doesn't listen to me."

Okay, so far so good. "And what about Kuroko?" I asked. "Kuroko, I can't get along with." Midorima answered, "mostly because of our differences." Then Midorima looked at me strangely like I'm asking too many questions. I think he's becoming a little comfortable with me.

"Why are you asking these types of questions?" He asked. "Just curious. Learning about you." I said. Midorima tried to hide his face with his hand. Wait...Is he blushing?! Oh my goodness. He looks so adorable like that. I know I saw little redness on those cheeks of his as he tries to hide it. "Aw, you look cute." I compliment him.

"W-what? S-stop saying such th-things." He stuttered, "j-just hush." I giggled a little at him trying to hide his feeling. "Come on, Midorima." I teased. "Stop now. We're here." Midorima said, back to his old self. Well, I guess Kuroko is right. Midorima has to be a Tsundere. And I almost made him lose him cool.

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