The Conflict

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"GO DIE, KISE!" I heard Aomine's voice across the hall. I heard a trail of footsteps getting louder and louder, coming close to us. One, no. Two, no. Four, sets of footsteps. Aomine jumped after Kise, knocking him down to the floor. Finally! I can breathe! I coughed up as I fell on the ground. Kise had a good, strong grip on my neck before Aomine knocked him down.

I turned and saw Aomine holding Kise down, on top of him. "(NAME)-KUN!" "(NAME)-CHIN!" "(NAME)!" Kuroko, Murasakibara and Akashi ran to me and got down on their knees. "Are you still alive? Wake up!" They told me. My eyes shot opened, saw all three of them, and smiled. "Kuroko! Murasakibara! Seijuro!" I panted as tears went down for my face. 

It still haunted me, the way Kise was scaring me, was more than enough. My arms reached out and were shaking like crazy! "SNAP OUT OF IT, KISE!!!" Aomine shouted, "CONTROL YOURSELF!!!" I didn't look at Kise cause I didn't want to see him pinned to the ground, looking like a criminal held down by a police officer.

"(Name), what happened?" Akashi asked. "Kise, Kise. Went crazy. He tried to choke me! It was horrible." I explained to them briefly. I was too busy freaking out over what happened. I could hold still, look at one person at a time, I WAS SCARED!! My life was almost taken and I can't believe Kise would do such a thing.

"Tetsuya, carry (Name) to my room. It's safer." Akashi instructed, "Atsushi, get a drink of water, quickly." "Wait!" I halted, "what about Kise?" I looked back and saw Kise yelling, crying, screeching, in agony. I just couldn't bare watching him. "Kise-kun will be fine." Kuroko carried me bridal-style and speed through the mansion for Akashi's room. "What's going to happen to Kise?" I asked. This time he didn't say a word.

"AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!" I heard Kise's voice crying. I grabbed Kuroko's light-blue hair to make him stop walking. "(Name)-san, please don't grab my hair like that." Kuroko begged, "it's hurts." "Sorry, but I just to see if Kise's alright." I explained myself. But Kuroko kept on walking with me in his arms to Akashi's room. "Hey, Kuroko." I mumbled in his ear, "what's wrong with Kise?" 

Kuroko didn't say anything and kept on walking. "What are they going to do to him?" I asked Kuroko. He still didn't say a word. He kept a blank stare and with no reply. "Kuroko. Hey!" I called. Nothing. It was like he still ignoring me, like I'm not even in his arms. So, I grabbed another chunk of his light-blue hair, until I could get him to answer me. "Please stop, (Name)-san." He said calmly. Seriously? This is the hardest I could grab him, this is how he reacts?

"Then tell me what's going to happen to Kise." I commanded, "until then, I will not let go." Dead silence. He didn't even tell me the answer to my question. I seriously didn't mean to act like a spoiled brat, but I had to at least see if Kise's alright. Even though he almost choked the life out of me. 

We finally arrived at the bedroom, where Kuroko placed me on the bed and stood in front of me, while I was still holding on to his hair. "You're not going to stop, are you?" Kuroko guessed. "Until you tell me about Kise." I added. He closed his eyes and sighed, "fine." He opened his eyes and leaned closer to me. "Kise-kun's just crazy." Kuroko admitted. "What do you mean, he's going crazy?" I asked.

"Kise's family is known for their insane thinking." Kuroko explained, "They might look sexy, but their past still haunts them. So, what did you ask him before he flipped?" "I asked if he believes in vampires." I said. Kuroko frowned at my reply like that was bad news, "I see. That's it." What did I do? What's wrong with asking a little question? Does he believe in vampires?

"Kise-kun doesn't like that word. Vampire." Kuroko told me. My eyes widened in surprise and suddenly felt bad for him. "Oh, I'm so sorry." I apologized as I released his hair from my hand, "I didn't know. What about everyone else?" "We're fine. It's him that can't hear it." Kuroko said, "every time he hears it, he goes crazy." Kuroko sat down next to me on the bed. "Let's stop talking about him right now." I dropped the conversation so I wouldn't feel so bad. "I agree." Kuroko agreed.

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