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 Before we start. I would like to ask a favor. Since I don't really know if you guys are enjoying this story or not would you Vote or Comment? It helps me see how I'm doing and if I should continue writing or not. Thank you -Resteroni Pepperoni


Dean made a quick meal, canned spaghetti and meatballs. He would've asked Sam if he wanted anything but Sam refused and fell asleep and Gabriel had some food before he was cleaned up and went back to moose on the couch to watch more re-runs of old Tv shows. After cleaning up and a quick shower with Cas, Dean dried up and got dressed taking Castiel back to his room so they could sleep and following after a while, Sam and Gabriel went to bed as well.

When morning came Cas and Gabriel were the first to wake up and find eachother in the hall after walking out of their 'fathers' room and they both have each other a big hug and sat down on the floor playing. Small talk between them(as much as they could anyway) and they made sure to be quiet so they wouldn't get into trouble. Gabriel started messing with Castiel, pulling his wings out and plucking a few feathers for fun. Cas' wings were ruffled and poofy and so uncomfortable and Gabriel being too rough all the time gripped a very sensitive part of Cas' wings causing him to scream in pain and start balling his eyes out. Gabriel of course just wants to have fun but apologized for hurting his brother. "I sowy, I sowy, don't be mad Cassie!" Gabriel said kissing Castiel's face and he brought out his own wings as well which were a fluffy mess not been groomed for ages. He wrapped his wings around Cas as if like a shield but it comforted the small child with the warm gesture.

When Sam and Dean woke up and noticed their angels were missing they shot out of bed frantic. Yelling their angels names checking under beds and under clothes but to no avail so they fled to the hallway until they saw the two trying to fix their wings. Castiel's were black while Gabriel's gold and sure they were small but they were impressive. Cas' wings were dragging behind him as if they didn't work that well while Gabe's were fluttering a bit behind him. Sam was frozen as he stared at the six wings sputtering from Gabriel's back not ripping the shirt as all as it slipped down his back and off one shoulder. Castiel still in Dean's shirt wings protruding from the back of the shirt ripping it slightly. They looked precious and Dean was like a mother seeing her children doing something cute. He wanted to Facebook and Instagram this moment but knew it wasn't time for that(even if it was MY ANGEL MINE).

"Sam we should probably go shopping today... Me and Cas ate everything last night" Dean said looking down at Castiel who was giggling knowing he wouldn't get yelled at.

"Ugh, fine then you're going" Sam said with his sassy moose smile.

"Fine! You watch Cas" And Dean went back into his room slipping on pants and his jacket over his bed shirt and grabbed Baby's keys before exiting and saying his goodbyes and getting into his most precious and starting up the car and driving off to the nearest shop to by some food for the bunker. When he finally arrived at the store Dean picked out things Gabriel and Cas might like and things he and Sam liked as well but bumped into a very attractive woman. Of course Dean had to talk to her, she was like free money, you don't just leave that be and ignore it YOU TAKE IT. Only in this sense you don't take the women you talk to her. So he did. Until he was caught mid-flirt when his phone started to ring and he excused himself and the girl watched him as Dean pulled out his phone and answered the call which said 'Sammy' and instead of his 6 foot 5 brother answering there was his angel on the other end.

"Bean!" Cas called.

"Yeah Cas?" Dean answered back with a big smile.

"When you come home?" Cas asked and it kind of wrecked Dean's heart a bit Sam probably didn't know he even had his phone and that he was concerned to call. If only it was the same when he was normal.

"Baby, I'm coming home in a few okay?" Dean paid no mind to what he called Cas, it seemed natural but still he tried to be quiet but the woman in front of Dean seemed to get a little sassy as she heard him call whoever he was on the phone with 'baby'.

"Bean... I wuv youuuu" Cas said dragging out the 'u'. If only he meant it after he's normal again rather than now when he probably has no idea what he's talking about. He probably wouldn't even remember saying it when he's back.

"Okay well I gotta g-"

"I WUV YOU" Cas yelled. He wanted Dean to say it back.

"I know you told me, I have t-"


"Fine... I love you too" And he was hung up on as the line cut off. Cas had gotten what he wanted. Putting his phone away and turning back towards the woman... Well... She left after hearing the 'I love you' from the other side thinking that was Dean's lover or something.

Well this was interesting, Dean thought as he grabbed the rest of the food he needed and went to checkout and quietly hummed Metallica, you know his comfort calming music. When he paid with his fake credit card he grabbed the bags and made it back to the car and hopping and as he closed the door and put his hands onto the steering wheel the ring of his mother clanked against the leather and he smiled as he started the car. However, while driving he received a text from Sam which stated direct emergency.

Dean sped faster and even took some different turns to get to the bunker faster. When he got to the bunker after the bumpy risky drive he sloppily parked and got out grabbing the bags grabbing the key frantically and unlocking the bunker door and closing it behind him as he nearly tripped running down the stairs and there in the library was Sam and Cas and Gabe who sat at the table calmly as if they were waiting. "What?" Dean asked gasping for air from running so much.

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