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Prologue :

"In this university, we don't just help students to maintain their skills and talents, but we help them to maintain or change their personality as well. Rebels , Wild Dogs , Shy Cats , Good-for-nothing students will surely be changed if you want to join this program. A program that only us parents know. You see, College is the time where they start to spread their wings and fly to either the BRIGHT way or the DARK way. Now who would wanna let their child's future be ruined?
In this program, we'll be making them realize and feel how it is to suffer from poverty and hunger. Well, not those ones in the streets. No, not that hard tho. See , We provided them shelter for a normal life. They're gonna have to work. And strive harder for themselves. You can see them if you want. But never tell them about this. Tell them after you see the results. By the time they'll comeback in your arms. They already have their own strong feet to stand up. And oh! worry not, because we'll be giving monthly budget for them to eat atleast 3 times a day." Hmmmm, that's pretty convincing. Might as well join my bitchy daughter on that.

"So now , if you wanna join. Kindly list your child's name over there. We'll discuss the settings and such after. Thank you very much" I saw a lot of parents starting to list names. All of them actually.

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