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[Min Yoongi]

My breathing increased in speed at the thought if Jimin returning. Him entering the house today was almost too far. I felt myself only a few seconds away from having a panic attack when I saw him there.

I had to hold back so many tears as I noticed that he had seen that i'm actually a mess.

I slapped myself three times, leaving a sting in my cheek which I chose to ignore. I decided to distract my self from my thoughts by dong something I hadn't done in weeks.

I started cleaning as soon as possible, listening to Vivaldi's Four seasons as I worked. I completely forgot about Jimin in the process, putting all of my thoughts on to scrubbing off a soup stain on my wall.

After 10 and a half hours of cleaning, my house was spotless on every floor. My hands were red, cut and sore from cleaning and scrubbing so much, but my satisfaction out powered my pain. I flopped onto my bed, instinctively taking a look at the time. The clock read 2:50. I was shocked at how late - or how early - it was. I felt a wave of tiredness hit me suddenly, my eyes drooping from fatigue.

I climbed under my covers, not bothering to change out of my sweaty clothes. It took me a few seconds to fall asleep, not noticing the blood slowly snaking down my fingers.

. . .

I woke to a doorbell ringing, making me startled. Without a second thought, I climbed out of bed, trudging down the stairs and to the front door. I could vaguely remember Jimin wanting to clean but not I was happy to send him home again.

I grabbed opened the door with my strangely sticking hands, and stood with my eyes half open, my brain half awake. I forgot to act, forgetting about my clothes, my hair, my expression. It felt too early in the morning for me to care.

"Did you only just wake up?" I nodded in response to Jimin's question. I didn't see what was wrong with that until he mentioned that it was 4pm.
My eyes opened fully at the news,and I felt my face turning red once again. There was a moment of silence before another boy appeared, speaking to me with a smile.

"Are we allowed in?"

By that point I was fully awake, shaking my head in refusal, much to the two's confusion. I stepped back unconsciously, not knowing that Jimin and the other boy would walk into my house without consent.

As soon as they did, I fell to the floor in tears. Instantly, i felt regretful for breaking down, knowing I would have to explain after but that thought alone made me cry even harder.

I peeked up once, still crying in the floor, and met Jimin's eyes. Never had I seen someone look so confused.


i'm still not over exo's comeback

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