Thirty [Final Chapter]

Start from the beginning

"Aren't you gonna open it?" he asked, gesturing to the letter in my hand. We sat down on my bed and I sighed.

"Let's tell mum and dad first. Dad will be home in a few hours... okay?"

He leant towards me with a smile and agreed, kissing me.


Calum was helping me set the table when dad came home, wiping his sweat as he placed his briefcase on by the shoe rack. "Evening boys," he greeted, catching his breath.

"What happened?" I asked curiously, finishing with the placemats.

"Car broke down so I had to walk," he wheezed coughing a few times before taking a deep breath. We sat down at the table and mum brought over a big bowl of pasta over, as well as various sauces. A few minutes into dinner, I cleared my throat.

"Um, mum, dad, I have something to tell you."

They both looked up expectantly at me, and suddenly I froze, but Calum reached his hand over to hold mine and my nerves seemed to disappear just like that. "Go on, son?" dad said.

"Calum and I are together now."

I braced myself for the worse, but instead of frowns their faces broke into smiles. Happy smiles. "For real?" mum clarified, the sides of her mouth almost reaching her ears. I nodded, glancing at Calum who was also smiling. "That's great! About time, I say! Don't you think, Andrew?"

Dad also nodded. "Of course. I'm glad you told us because we were both sick of trying to figure it out," he explained, ruffling my hair across the table. Mum came over and gave us both a hug, as tears began to spill from my eyes. I was so grateful to have such wonderful parents; I really was.

"Oh Luke, did you open the letter from earlier?" mum asked, pulling away and sitting back down. I shook my head. Why don't you open it now?"

I swallowed, tentatively agreeing and hurrying upstairs to get it.

I didn't want to know whether I got accepted or not. It was a matter of life with Calum or life alone, and I wasn't ready to choose just yet. However, I knew it was important where I'd be spending the next few years of my life.

When I got back down, mum was having a conversation with Calum about us, and they all beckoned me over with grins.

My fingers tucked themselves under the flap and began to rip, and I took the piece of paper out unfolding it. With a notably beating chest, I began to read.

Dear Mr Luke Hemmings,

We are writing to notify you of your acceptance into our college to study the following course: English History and Modern Uses. Your entrance exam and interview were particularly outstanding, so we are also offering you a full scholarship, with free boarding and meals.

I stopped reading it there and looked up at their eager expressions. "I... uh got in. With a full scholarship."

Their eyes lit up as they congratulated me, all three of them giving me the biggest hug ever. "Luke, you have to go!" Calum exclaimed, but I couldn't... I couldn't bear to leave him now.

"Yeah Luke, you should! A full scholarship? I knew you could do it!" mum agreed.

"I... I think I'm gonna pass," I muttered, putting the letter down on the dinner table. Everyone stared at me as if I was mad, but it was the truth. "I don't want to leave after all," I added, shrugging.

"But... Lukey, it's a full scholarship..." Calum replied in a hoarse whisper. "This isn't because of..."

"No, no, I just don't really want to go now."

My parents looked at me but smiled. "We'll support you Luke, whatever you do." Mum rubbed my shoulder and sat back down, and I averted my eyes to Calum, taking his hand.

"I'm staying, shouldn't you be happy?" I joked, flinging his arm about.

"I am... it's just, how can you pass up such a great offer?"

I sighed lightly, my eyes travelling to the ceiling. "I said to myself a few weeks ago, that if you ever told me you loved me, I wouldn't leave. Back then, I honestly didn't think you'd say it so I was determined to get out, see more of the world... besides, I also wanted to leave because of Lloyd. I didn't want to be in the same city as him. But then he apologised, and you said you loved me, and I realised there was no reason for me to leave anymore."

"But still..."

I cupped his cheeks, bringing him closer and using my thumbs to turn his frown into a smile. "I'm staying, and that's final." Then, I brought his lips to mine for a brief kiss, not even caring that mum and dad were opposite watching us the whole time.

"Well - I'm not complaining," he said against my lips, kissing me again.

And neither am I.




I had so much fun writing this, and it is officially my 3rd completed cake fanfic - let's hope there are many more to come :)

Thanks to everyone who read this and took the time to vote or comment, I've enjoyed reading each and every single one of them!

Fun fact - I actually finished writing this in 2 weeks :0

Now you guys have a choice.

I have an idea for a very short sequel/bonus chapters (probs 5 chapters max) about them as adults and having children and everything. You can have this, or...

I also have several (like 5) unfinished cake fics that I'm in the process of writing right now. I don't tend to upload fics until I've written at least 5 chapters but I could make a special exception and upload 2 new fics?

You'll get both eventually unless no one wants the bonus chapters :))

Final TWO dedications for this story! (yes you guys made it in time!) go to.... that_penguin_chick10 and snugglemeluke for voting so much! Hope you guys liked this story :D

I also have a long list of special mentions I could list but count yourself on it if you've voted on this story ^_^

That's all from me, I'll be back with more cake another day :)

Vote+comment for cake to be real

Kimmy xx

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